- return unusual_bond(line)
- elif fields[:6] == 'WARNING: There is a bond of'.split():
- # Matches two lines, EX:
- # "WARNING: There is a bond of 34.397700 angstroms between:"
- # "------- .R.A and .R.A"
- nextline = next(lineiter)
- return unusual_bond(line+nextline)
- elif fields[:5] == 'Created a new atom named:'.split():
- # EX: "Created a new atom named: P within residue: .R"
- residue = reslookup[fields[-1][:-1]]
- if residue in unknown_res:
- return None # suppress atoms from an unknown res ...
- atom = residue[fields[5]]
- return forcefields.errors.UnknownAtom(line, residue, atom)
- elif (fields[:5] == '** No torsion terms for'.split() or
- fields[:5] == 'Could not find angle parameter:'.split()):
- # EX: " ** No torsion terms for ca-ce-c3-hc"
- return forcefields.errors.MissingTerms(line.strip())
- else: # ignore this line
- return None
- while True:
- try:
- line = next(lineiter)
- except StopIteration:
- break
- try:
- errmsg = _parse_tleap_logline(line)
- except (KeyError, ValueError):
- print("WARNING: failed to process TLeap message '%s'" % line)
- msg.append(forcefields.errors.ForceFieldMessage(line))
- else:
- if errmsg is not None:
- msg.append(errmsg)
- return msg
diff --git a/moldesign/interfaces/tleap_interface.py b/moldesign/interfaces/tleap_interface.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5284e5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/moldesign/interfaces/tleap_interface.py
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division
+from future.builtins import *
+from future import standard_library
+# Copyright 2017 Autodesk Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from past.builtins import basestring
+import os
+import re
+import tempfile
+import pyccc
+import moldesign as mdt
+from . import ambertools
+from .. import units as u
+from .. import compute
+from .. import utils
+from .. import forcefields
+IMAGE = 'ambertools'
+def create_ff_parameters(mol, charges='esp', baseff='gaff2', **kwargs):
+ """Parameterize ``mol``, typically using GAFF parameters.
+ This will both assign a forcefield to the molecule (at ``mol.ff``) and produce the parameters
+ so that they can be used in other systems (e.g., so that this molecule can be simulated
+ embedded in a larger protein)
+ Note:
+ 'am1-bcc' and 'gasteiger' partial charges will be automatically computed if necessary.
+ Other charge types must be precomputed.
+ Args:
+ mol (moldesign.Molecule):
+ charges (str or dict): what partial charges to use? Can be a dict (``{atom:charge}``) OR
+ a string, in which case charges will be read from
+ ``mol.properties.[charges name]``; typical values will be 'esp', 'mulliken',
+ 'am1-bcc', etc. Use 'zero' to set all charges to 0 (for QM/MM and testing)
+ baseff (str): Name of the gaff-like forcefield file (default: gaff2)
+ Returns:
+ TLeapForcefield: Forcefield object for this residue
+ """
+ # Check that there's only 1 residue, give it a name
+ assert mol.num_residues == 1
+ if mol.residues[0].resname is None:
+ mol.residues[0].resname = 'UNL'
+ print('Assigned residue name "UNL" to %s' % mol)
+ resname = mol.residues[0].resname
+ # check that atoms have unique names
+ if len(set(atom.name for atom in mol.atoms)) != mol.num_atoms:
+ raise ValueError('This molecule does not have uniquely named atoms, cannot assign FF')
+ if charges == 'am1-bcc' and 'am1-bcc' not in mol.properties:
+ ambertools.calc_am1_bcc_charges(mol)
+ elif charges == 'gasteiger' and 'gasteiger' not in mol.properties:
+ ambertools.calc_gasteiger_charges(mol)
+ elif charges == 'esp' and 'esp' not in mol.properties:
+ # TODO: use NWChem ESP to calculate
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ if charges == 'zero':
+ charge_array = [0.0 for atom in mol.atoms]
+ elif isinstance(charges, basestring):
+ charge_array = u.array([mol.properties[charges][atom] for atom in mol.atoms])
+ if not charge_array.dimensionless: # implicitly convert floats to fundamental charge units
+ charge_array = charge_array.to(u.q_e).magnitude
+ else:
+ charge_array = [charges[atom] for atom in mol.atoms]
+ inputs = {'mol.mol2': mol.write(format='mol2'),
+ 'mol.charges': '\n'.join(map(str, charge_array))}
+ cmds = ['antechamber -i mol.mol2 -fi mol2 -o mol_charged.mol2 '
+ ' -fo mol2 -c rc -cf mol.charges -rn %s' % resname,
+ 'parmchk -i mol_charged.mol2 -f mol2 -o mol.frcmod',
+ 'tleap -f leap.in',
+ 'sed -e "s/tempresname/%s/g" mol_rename.lib > mol.lib' % resname]
+ base_forcefield = forcefields.TLeapLib(baseff)
+ inputs['leap.in'] = '\n'.join(["source leaprc.%s" % baseff,
+ "tempresname = loadmol2 mol_charged.mol2",
+ "fmod = loadamberparams mol.frcmod",
+ "check tempresname",
+ "saveoff tempresname mol_rename.lib",
+ "saveamberparm tempresname mol.prmtop mol.inpcrd",
+ "quit\n"])
+ def finish_job(j):
+ leapcmds = ['source leaprc.gaff2']
+ files = {}
+ for fname, f in j.glob_output("*.lib").items():
+ leapcmds.append('loadoff %s' % fname)
+ files[fname] = f
+ for fname, f in j.glob_output("*.frcmod").items():
+ leapcmds.append('loadAmberParams %s' % fname)
+ files[fname] = f
+ param = forcefields.TLeapForcefield(leapcmds, files)
+ param.add_ff(base_forcefield)
+ param.assign(mol)
+ return param
+ job = pyccc.Job(image=mdt.compute.get_image_path(IMAGE),
+ command=' && '.join(cmds),
+ inputs=inputs,
+ when_finished=finish_job,
+ name="GAFF assignment: %s" % mol.name)
+ return mdt.compute.run_job(job, _return_result=True, **kwargs)
+class AmberParameters(object):
+ """ Forcefield parameters for a system in amber ``prmtop`` format
+ """
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ state = self.__dict__.copy()
+ state['job'] = None
+ return state
+ def __init__(self, prmtop, inpcrd, job=None):
+ self.prmtop = prmtop
+ self.inpcrd = inpcrd
+ self.job = job
+ def to_parmed(self):
+ import parmed
+ prmtoppath = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), 'prmtop')
+ self.prmtop.put(prmtoppath)
+ pmd = parmed.load_file(prmtoppath)
+ return pmd
+def _run_tleap_assignment(mol, leapcmds, files=None, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Drives tleap to create a prmtop and inpcrd file. Specifically uses the AmberTools 16
+ tleap distribution.
+ Defaults are as recommended in the ambertools manual.
+ Args:
+ mol (moldesign.Molecule): Molecule to set up
+ leapcmds (List[str]): list of the commands to load the forcefields
+ files (List[pyccc.FileReference]): (optional) list of additional files
+ to send
+ **kwargs: keyword arguments to :meth:`compute.run_job`
+ References:
+ Ambertools Manual, http://ambermd.org/doc12/Amber16.pdf. See page 33 for forcefield
+ recommendations.
+ """
+ leapstr = leapcmds[:]
+ inputs = {}
+ if files is not None:
+ inputs.update(files)
+ inputs['input.pdb'] = mol.write(format='pdb')
+ leapstr.append('mol = loadpdb input.pdb\n'
+ "check mol\n"
+ "saveamberparm mol output.prmtop output.inpcrd\n"
+ "savepdb mol output.pdb\n"
+ "quit\n")
+ inputs['input.leap'] = '\n'.join(leapstr)
+ job = pyccc.Job(image=compute.get_image_path(IMAGE),
+ command='tleap -f input.leap',
+ inputs=inputs,
+ name="tleap, %s" % mol.name)
+ return compute.run_job(job, **kwargs)
+def _prep_for_tleap(mol):
+ """ Returns a modified *copy* that's been modified for input to tleap
+ Makes the following modifications:
+ 1. Reassigns all residue IDs
+ 2. Assigns tleap-appropriate cysteine resnames
+ """
+ change = False
+ clean = mdt.Molecule(mol.atoms)
+ for residue in clean.residues:
+ residue.pdbindex = residue.index+1
+ if residue.resname == 'CYS': # deal with cysteine states
+ if 'SG' not in residue.atoms or 'HG' in residue.atoms:
+ continue # sulfur's missing, we'll let tleap create it
+ else:
+ sulfur = residue.atoms['SG']
+ if sulfur.formal_charge == -1*u.q_e:
+ residue.resname = 'CYM'
+ change = True
+ continue
+ # check for a reasonable hybridization state
+ if sulfur.formal_charge != 0 or sulfur.num_bonds not in (1, 2):
+ raise ValueError("Unknown sulfur hybridization state for %s"
+ % sulfur)
+ # check for a disulfide bond
+ for otheratom in sulfur.bonded_atoms:
+ if otheratom.residue is not residue:
+ if otheratom.name != 'SG' or otheratom.residue.resname not in ('CYS', 'CYX'):
+ raise ValueError('Unknown bond from cysteine sulfur (%s)' % sulfur)
+ # if we're here, this is a cystine with a disulfide bond
+ print('INFO: disulfide bond detected. Renaming %s from CYS to CYX' % residue)
+ sulfur.residue.resname = 'CYX'
+ clean._rebuild_from_atoms()
+ return clean
+ATOMSPEC = re.compile(r'\.R<(\S+) ([\-0-9]+)>\.A<(\S+) ([\-0-9]+)>')
+def _parse_tleap_errors(job, molin):
+ # TODO: special messages for known problems (e.g. histidine)
+ msg = []
+ unknown_res = set() # so we can print only one error per unkonwn residue
+ lineiter = iter(job.stdout.split('\n'))
+ offset = utils.if_not_none(molin.residues[0].pdbindex, 1)
+ reslookup = {str(i+offset): r for i,r in enumerate(molin.residues)}
+ def _atom_from_re(s):
+ resname, residx, atomname, atomidx = s
+ r = reslookup[residx]
+ a = r[atomname]
+ return a
+ def unusual_bond(l):
+ atomre1, atomre2 = ATOMSPEC.findall(l)
+ try:
+ a1, a2 = _atom_from_re(atomre1), _atom_from_re(atomre2)
+ except KeyError:
+ a1 = a2 = None
+ r1 = reslookup[atomre1[1]]
+ r2 = reslookup[atomre2[1]]
+ return forcefields.errors.UnusualBond(l, (a1, a2), (r1, r2))
+ def _parse_tleap_logline(line):
+ fields = line.split()
+ if fields[0:2] == ['Unknown', 'residue:']:
+ # EX: "Unknown residue: 3TE number: 499 type: Terminal/beginning"
+ res = molin.residues[int(fields[4])]
+ unknown_res.add(res)
+ return forcefields.errors.UnknownResidue(line, res)
+ elif fields[:4] == 'Warning: Close contact of'.split():
+ # EX: "Warning: Close contact of 1.028366 angstroms between .R.A and .R.A"
+ return unusual_bond(line)
+ elif fields[:6] == 'WARNING: There is a bond of'.split():
+ # Matches two lines, EX:
+ # "WARNING: There is a bond of 34.397700 angstroms between:"
+ # "------- .R.A and .R.A"
+ nextline = next(lineiter)
+ return unusual_bond(line+nextline)
+ elif fields[:5] == 'Created a new atom named:'.split():
+ # EX: "Created a new atom named: P within residue: .R"
+ residue = reslookup[fields[-1][:-1]]
+ if residue in unknown_res:
+ return None # suppress atoms from an unknown res ...
+ atom = residue[fields[5]]
+ return forcefields.errors.UnknownAtom(line, residue, atom)
+ elif fields[:2] == ('FATAL:', 'Atom'):
+ # EX: "FATAL: Atom .R.A does not have a type."
+ assert fields[-5:] == "does not have a type.".split()
+ atom = _atom_from_re(ATOMSPEC.findall(line)[0])
+ return forcefields.errors.UnknownAtom(line, atom.residue, atom)
+ elif (fields[:5] == '** No torsion terms for'.split() or
+ fields[:5] == 'Could not find angle parameter:'.split() or
+ fields[:5] == 'Could not find bond parameter for:'.split()):
+ # EX: " ** No torsion terms for ca-ce-c3-hc"
+ # EX: "Could not find bond parameter for: -"
+ # EX: "Could not find angle parameter: - -"
+ return forcefields.errors.MissingTerms(line.strip())
+ else: # ignore this line
+ return None
+ while True:
+ try:
+ line = next(lineiter)
+ except StopIteration:
+ break
+ try:
+ errmsg = _parse_tleap_logline(line)
+ except (KeyError, ValueError):
+ print("WARNING: failed to process TLeap message '%s'" % line)
+ msg.append(forcefields.errors.ForceFieldMessage(line))
+ else:
+ if errmsg is not None:
+ msg.append(errmsg)
+ return msg
diff --git a/moldesign/tools/topology.py b/moldesign/tools/topology.py
index d023821..53e0673 100644
--- a/moldesign/tools/topology.py
+++ b/moldesign/tools/topology.py
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
from moldesign.interfaces.openbabel import add_hydrogen, guess_bond_orders
from moldesign.interfaces.pdbfixer_interface import mutate_residues, add_water
-from moldesign.interfaces.ambertools import create_ff_parameters
+from moldesign.interfaces.tleap_interface import create_ff_parameters
from moldesign.interfaces.ambertools import calc_am1_bcc_charges, calc_gasteiger_charges
_pkgall.extend(('add_hydrogen guess_bond_orders mutate_residues add_water'