Use our marine field guide to identify over 360 of New Zealand’s most common coastal-dwelling marine mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, shellfish, invertebrates, seaweeds and plants.
This easy-to-use reference combines stunning imagery with information on each of the featured animal or plant’s biology, identifying characteristics, diet, habitat, native and endangered status.
Available in both iPad and iPhone versions, the app can be used in and around New Zealand’s coastal waters to identify some of the country’s diverse marine life. It’s the perfect companion for boat trips, fishing tours, a day at the beach or field trips around New Zealand’s coast.
Amateur or expert, this app is a great pocket guide to some of New Zealand’s more commonly found marine species. Offering English and Māori language, the app is also a great educational tool for kura kaupapa Māori, schools and universities.
Auckland Museum’s marine team and contributing scientists will continue to add additional species and update content in new releases.
- Easily identify fish and other marine life with this app
- View high quality images for each species
- See detailed info on the diet, habitat, taxonomy and identifying characteristics on 260 marine animals and plants
- Use the search function to identify marine life you come across when you’re in and around New Zealand’s coastal waters
- Discover the native and endangered status for each species
- Learn the Māori names for common marine species
- Locate species populations on distribution maps
- Access peer-reviewed scientific data on common coastal marine species
- Compatible with iOS 6.1, 7 and 8+ on both iPhone and iPad
This new update of our app brings the number of descriptions to over 360 species - a fraction of the complete fauna and flora of New Zealand's coastal environment. For the first time, we've included birds and will continue to add more species over time.
This code forms version 2.0 of Auckland Museum’s New Zealand Marine Field Guide app for iOS.
The code is a derived from the open sourced version of the code from Museum Victoria's Field Guide for Victorian Fauna. The code has been released under an MIT style license, and full details can be found in the LICENSE file in this package.
The content for the New Zealand Marine Field Guide was produced by Auckland Museum. Our development partners were Digital Arts Network and Cactus Lab. The content was edited by Wilma Blom, Curator Marine Invertebrates. Species profiles were written by Wilma Blom, Severine Hannam, and Rosemary Barraclough.
Photographs in this app were taken by Auckland Museum staff as well as a number of external photographers and are credited where appropriate.
For any enquiries or request to use media from this app, please visit our website or send an email to