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Fungal classification | Multiple Instance Learning


  1. Clone the repository.

    git clone
    cd Classification-Fungal10x
  2. Optionally, create a virtual environment and activate it.

    python3 -m venv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate

    Or use conda to create a virtual environment.

    conda create --name clfx python=3.9
    conda activate clfx
  3. Install the required packages.

    pip install -r requirements.txt

Additional loss functions

(Preferably install it somewhere outside the project directory.)

git clone
pip install smooth-topk/


Config file

The configuration file contains various settings and parameters that control the behavior and settings of the project. Refer to the config-template.yaml file for more information.

  annot_dir: (path) Slide annotations directory path. Should have the same names as that in slide_dir.
  create_zip: (bool) Bundle the created dataset directory in a ZIP for easier download.
  data_dir_name: (str) Will be used to create dataset/{data_dir_name}/;
  downsample_factor: (int) Downsample slides resolution by this factor. Defaults to preserve aspect ratio.
  downsample_size: (tuple[int, int]) Downsample slides to this size.
  n_splits: (int) Number of splits for cross-validation.
  overlap: (bool) Overlap factor for the extracting patches. Should be between 0 and 1.
  patch_size: (tuple[int, int]) Patch size for the patches.
  save_slides: (bool) Whether to save slides, in dataset/{data_dir_name}-slides/;
  slide_dir: (path) Slides directory path. Corresponding annotations should be in annot_dir.
  use_augment: (bool) Whether to use data augmentation at patch level for the train split. Preferably always use as True.
  device_index: (int) Device index for the GPU. Set to -1 to disable GPU and use CPU instead.
  alpha: (float) Heatmap transparency while overlaying on the slide. Should be between 0 and 1.
  blur: (tuple[int, int]) Gaussian blur kernel size for the heatmap.
  cmap: (str) Colormap for the heatmap. Refer to matplotlib colormaps.
  downsample_factor: (int) Downsample slides resolution by this factor. Will be used when source_dir is provided.
  downsample_size: (tuple[int, int]) Downsample slides to this size. Will be used when source_dir is provided.
  file_extension: (str) File extension for the heatmap images to be saved.
  invert_preds: (bool) Whether to invert the predictions before making the heatmaps. Default is true.
  overlap: (float) Overlap factor for the heatmap patches. Should be between 0 and 1.
  patch_dims: (tuple[int, int, int]) Patch dimensions for the heatmap.
  percentile_scale: (tuple[int, int]) Scale the heatmap values to percentile. Uses numpy.percentile();
  percentile_score: (bool) Percentile score for scaling the heatmap values. Uses scipy.stats.percentileofscore();
  save_dir: (path) Directory to save the heatmap images. Will be saved at {exp_base_dir}/{exp_name}/{fold-*}/{save_dir}/;
  source_dir: (path) Path to the directory containing the slides. Will be used to get the predictions for the heatmap.
  source_dir_annot: (path) Path to the directory containing the annotations corresponding to the slides in source_dir. Slides should have the same names as in source_dir. Will be used to overlap with the heatmap for easier visualisation. Set to null to use source_dir slides itself for heatmaps.
  use_plt: (bool) Use matplotlib to generate the heatmap images. If false, then heatmaps will match original slide dimensions.
  _select: (str) Model to use for training and inference. {CLAM_SB, EfficientNetB0, MobileNet, ResNet50, VGG16}.
    k_sample: null
    dropout: null
    learning_rate: null
      bag: null
      instance: null
    patience: null
    run_eagerly: null
    freeze_ratio: null
    learning_rate: null
    patience: null
    start_from_epoch: null
    freeze_ratio: null
    learning_rate: null
    patience: null
    start_from_epoch: null
    freeze_ratio: null
    learning_rate: null
    patience: null
    start_from_epoch: null
    freeze_ratio: null
    learning_rate: null
    patience: null
    start_from_epoch: null
  batch_size: (int) Batch size for training.
  data_dir: (path) Path to the directory containing the dataset. Should likely be as some dataset/{data_dir_name}/; Should contain within as /fold-*/{train, val, test}/{fungal, non-fungal}/; Refer to the directory structure.
  evaluate_only: (bool) Evaluate the model on the test set only. Useful for only evaluating a trained model.
  exp_base_dir: (path) Base directory containing all the experiment folders. Usually set to experiments/.
  exp_name: (str) Current experiment name. Will be used to create a directory in exp_base_dir. {exp_base_dir}/{exp_name}/;
  features_dir: (path) Path to the directory containing the features. Particularly for the MIL datasets.
  folds: (list[int]) List of folds to be considered. Zero-indexed.
  max_epochs: (int) Maximum number of epochs to train the model.
  overwrite_preds: (bool) Overwrite the predictions if already present. Checks for {exp_base_dir}/{exp_name}/{fold-*}/preds.csv;
  patch_dims: (tuple[int, int, int]) Patch dimensions of the dataset.
  predictions_file: (string) Filename of the predictions CSV file, without the extension.
  save_weights_only: (bool) Whether only the model's weights will be saved during model checkpointing, excluding the model architecture or configuration. Useful for subclassed models of tf.keras.Model, which can be reconstructed from definition.
  subset_size: (int) Subset size of the dataset to be used for training. Used for trial purposes. Set to null to use the entire dataset.
  use_augment: (bool) Whether to use the augmented dataset for training present at train/, or use train_unaugmented/ for training. Whole path:- dataset/{data_dir_name}/fold-*/{train,train_unaugmented}/;

Directory structure

The directory structure of the created datasets is as follows:

Slide directory structure:

└── <ds-name>-slides
    ├── train
    │   ├── fungal
    │   │   ├── F-slide-1.png
    │   │   ├── F-slide-2.png
    │   │   └── ...
    │   └── non-fungal
    │       ├── NF-slide-1.png
    │       ├── NF-slide-2.png
    │       └── ...
    └── test
        ├── fungal
        │   ├── F-slide-1.png
        │   ├── F-slide-2.png
        │   └── ...
        └── non-fungal
            ├── NF-slide-1.png
            ├── NF-slide-2.png
            └── ...

Patches directory structure:

└── <ds-name>-<downsample_dimensions>
    ├── fold-0
    │   ├── train
    │   │   ├── fungal
    │   │   │   ├── F-patch-1.png
    │   │   │   ├── F-patch-2.png
    │   │   │   └── ...
    │   │   └── non-fungal
    │   │       ├── NF-patch-1.png
    │   │       ├── NF-patch-2.png
    │   │       └── ...
    │   ├── val
    │   │   ├── fungal
    │   │   │   ├── F-patch-1.png
    │   │   │   ├── F-patch-2.png
    │   │   │   └── ...
    │   │   └── non-fungal
    │   │       ├── NF-patch-1.png
    │   │       ├── NF-patch-2.png
    │   │       └── ...
    │   └── test
    │       ├── fungal
    │       │   ├── F-patch-1.png
    │       │   ├── F-patch-2.png
    │       │   └── ...
    │       └── non-fungal
    │           ├── NF-patch-1.png
    │           ├── NF-patch-2.png
    │           └── ...
    ├── fold-1
    │   └── ...
    └── ...

MIL directory structure:

└── <ds-name>-MIL-<downsample_dimensions>
    ├── train
    │   ├── F-slide-1
    │   │   ├── F-patch-1.png
    │   │   ├── F-patch-2.png
    │   │   └── ...
    │   ├── ...
    │   ├── NF-slide-1
    │   │   ├── NF-patch-1.png
    │   │   ├── NF-patch-2.png
    │   │   └── ...
    │   └── ...
    └── test
        ├── F-slide-1
        │   ├── F-patch-1.png
        │   ├── F-patch-2.png
        │   └── ...
        ├── ...
        ├── NF-slide-1
        │   ├── NF-patch-1.png
        │   ├── NF-patch-2.png
        │   └── ...
        └── ...


Run the different workflows using python3 workflows/*.py from the project directory.

  1. Create the dataset from the slides and annotations. Creates a patch level dataset from the slides and performs Stratified k-fold at the patch level. Mainly uses the dataset key in config.yaml.

  2. Creates an MIL dataset from the slides.

  3. Trains the model on the patch level dataset using the selected model. The trainer key in config.yaml is used for training configurations, while the model key is utilised for selecting models and specifying their parameters.

  4. Train on an MIL dataset.

  5. Generate heatmaps for the slides using the predictions of the trained model.

  6. Generate a summary of the experiment over the different folds. Also packs the results (metrics, plots and heatmaps) in an exportable ZIP file.


This project falls under the MIT License.