In this project, an analysis has been done to find out what cryptocurrencies are on the trading market and how cryptocurrencies could be grouped toward creating a classification for developing a new investment product.
Python, sklearn, K-means algorithm, PCA algorithm, Pandas, hvplot, plotly
Since there was no known output for what we are looking for, unsupervised learning has been used.
The Cryptocurrencies data given was not ideal, so it was preprocessed and scaled to fit the machine learning model.
The data dimensions were reduced to three principal components using PCA algorithm from sklearn.
- Clusters of Cryptocurrencies data were predicted by plotting the elbow curve to find the best value for K using KMeans algorithm. By looking at the elbow curve, the best K value was found 4. The model was initialized with 4 clusters using KMeans algorithm. The fitting and prediction of data were made based on this model.
- Data-Table, 3D-scatter and 2D-scatter plots have been used to show the status of the current tradable cryptocurrencies with all the relevant informations.
- From 2D-scatter plot, it can be seen that there are some outliers like "BitTorrent" and "TurtleCoin"