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230 lines (197 loc) · 9.36 KB

File metadata and controls

230 lines (197 loc) · 9.36 KB

Functional Overview

This software implements a ROS 2 node for collision avoidance control of robots or autonomous vehicles using the Dynamic Window Approach. It calculates and outputs velocity and angular velocity commands to efficiently navigate the robot.



System Requirements

  • OS : Ubuntu 22.04
  • ROS2 : Humble

System Dependencies

How To Use

Execution Steps

cd ~/ros2_ws
source ~/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash
ros2 launch dwa_planner


├── CMakeLists.txt                         - CMake build configuration file for the DWA planner
├── package.xml                            - ROS 2 package metadata file
├── config/                                - Directory for YAML parameter/config files
│   └── dwa_params.yaml                    - YAML file specifying DWA parameters (max_vel, etc.)
├── launch/                                - Directory for ROS 2 launch files
│   └──              - Launch script for the DWA planner node and parameter loading
├── include/                               - Directory for header files
│   └── dwa_planner/                       - Header files for the dwa_planner package
│       ├── dwa_planner_component.hpp      - Header file for the DWA planner core component (algorithm)
│       └── dwa_planner_node.hpp           - Header file for the DWA planner ROS Node
└── src/                                   - Directory for source files
    ├── dwa_planner_component.cpp          - Implementation of the DWA planner core (algorithm)
    ├── dwa_planner_node.cpp               - Node implementation for the DWA planner, handling ROS interfaces
    └── dwa_planner.cpp                    - Main entry point (executable) that spins the dwa_planner node

Interface Table


Variable Name Type Description
odom nav_msgs::msg::Odometry Odometry information of the robot
tgt_path nav_msgs::msg::Path Target trajectory of the robot


Variable Name Type Description
cmd_vel geometry_msgs::msg::Twist Velocity and angular velocity commands for the robot

Internal Values

Variable Name Type Description
x, y, yaw double Current position and orientation of the robot
v, w double Velocity and angular velocity of the robot
cx, cy,cyaw, ck std::vector<double> List of x and y coordinates of the path
target_ind int Current target index
target_vel double Target velocity
goal_threshold double Threshold for goal judgment
k, Lfc, Kp, dt double Pure Pursuit parameters
oldNearestPointIndex int Index of the nearest point in the previous iteration
current_vel double Current velocity of the robot
minCurvature,maxCurvature double Minimum and maximum curvature values
minVelocity,maxVelocity double Minimum and maximum velocity values

Software architecture

Class Diagram

    class DWA {
        +DynamicWindowApproach(x, model, goal, evalParam, ob, R, robotR) : vector<double>
        -CalcDynamicWindow(x, model) : array<double, 4>
        -GenerateTrajectory(x, vt, ot, evaldt) : array<double, 5>
        -CalcHeadingEval(x, goal) : double
        -CalcDistEval(x, ob, R, robotR) : double
        -NormalizeEval(evalDB) : void
        -SelectBestControl(evalDB, evalParam) : vector<double>

    class DWAPlannerNode {
        -timerCallback() : void
        -odomCallback(msg) : void
        -local_obstacle_callback(msg) : void
        -target_callback(msg) : void
        -send_static_transform() : void
        -x_ : array<double, 5>
        -goal_ : array<double, 2>
        -obstacle_ : vector<array<double, 2>>
        -kinematic_ : array<double, 6>
        -eval_param_ : array<double, 4>
        -robot_radius_ : double
        -obstacle_radius_ : double
        -received_obstacles_ : bool
        -received_goal_ : bool
        -received_odom_ : bool

    DWAPlannerNode "1" --> "1" DWA : Uses
    DWAPlannerNode o-- rclcpp::Node : Extends
    rclcpp::Node <|-- DWAPlannerNode

    DWA : <<static_methods_only>>

    %% Other related components
    class rclcpp::Node {


flowchart TD
    Start["Start: DWAPlannerNode Initialized"] --> CheckOdom
    CheckOdom{"Received Odometry?"}
    CheckOdom -->|No| WaitOdom[Display "Waiting for /odom..."]
    WaitOdom --> CheckOdom
    CheckOdom -->|Yes| CheckObstacles{"Received Obstacles?"}
    CheckObstacles -->|No| WaitObstacles[Display "Waiting for local_obstacle_markers..."]
    WaitObstacles --> CheckObstacles
    CheckObstacles -->|Yes| CheckGoal{"Received Goal?"}
    CheckGoal -->|No| WaitGoal[Display "Waiting for /waypoint..."]
    WaitGoal --> CheckGoal
    CheckGoal -->|Yes| ComputeDWA
    ComputeDWA["Call DWA::DynamicWindowApproach"] --> EvaluateDynamicWindow
    EvaluateDynamicWindow["CalcDynamicWindow"] --> EvaluateTrajectories
    EvaluateTrajectories["GenerateTrajectory for Each (vt, ot)"] --> EvaluateMetrics
    EvaluateMetrics["CalcHeadingEval, CalcDistEval, CalcVel"] --> FilterValidPaths
    FilterValidPaths{"Valid Paths Available?"}
    FilterValidPaths -->|No| NoPath[Display "No path to goal! Return [0.0, 0.0]"]
    FilterValidPaths -->|Yes| NormalizeEvals
    NormalizeEvals["NormalizeEval"] --> SelectBest
    SelectBest["SelectBestControl"] --> PublishCommand
    PublishCommand["Publish /cmd_vel Command"] --> End["End"]


System architecture

    class PathPublisher {
        +void loadPathData(string&)
        +void publishPath()
        -rclcpp::Publisher<nav_msgs::msg::Path>::SharedPtr path_pub_
        -rclcpp::Publisher<nav_msgs::msg::Path>::SharedPtr visualize_path_pub_
        -rclcpp::TimerBase::SharedPtr timer_
        -nav_msgs::msg::Path path_
        -nav_msgs::msg::Path visualize_path_
    class PurePursuitNode {
        -void updateControl()
        -std::pair<double, double> purePursuitControl(int&)
        -std::pair<int, double> searchTargetIndex()
        -double calcDistance(double, double) const
        -void odometry_callback(nav_msgs::msg::Odometry::SharedPtr)
        -void path_callback(nav_msgs::msg::Path::SharedPtr)
        -void publishCmd(double, double)
        -rclcpp::Publisher<geometry_msgs::msg::Twist>::SharedPtr cmd_vel_pub
        -rclcpp::Subscription<nav_msgs::msg::Odometry>::SharedPtr odom_sub
        -rclcpp::Subscription<nav_msgs::msg::Path>::SharedPtr path_sub
        -rclcpp::TimerBase::SharedPtr timer
        -std::vector<double> cx
        -std::vector<double> cy
        -std::vector<double> cyaw
        -std::vector<double> ck
        -double x, y, yaw, v, w
        -int target_ind
        -int oldNearestPointIndex
        -double target_vel
        -double current_vel
        -bool path_subscribe_flag
        -double goal_threshold
        -const double k
        -const double Lfc
        -const double Kp
        -const double dt
        -double minCurvature
        -double maxCurvature
        -double minVelocity
        -double maxVelocity

    PathPublisher --|> PurePursuitNode: path_

    class OdometryPublisher {
        -rclcpp::Publisher<nav_msgs::msg::Odometry>::SharedPtr odom_pub
        -rclcpp::Publisher<nav_msgs::msg::Path>::SharedPtr path_pub
        -rclcpp::Publisher<nav_msgs::msg::OccupancyGrid>::SharedPtr localmap_pub
        -rclcpp::Publisher<visualization_msgs::msg::Marker>::SharedPtr laser_range_pub
        -rclcpp::Subscription<geometry_msgs::msg::Twist>::SharedPtr cmd_vel_subscriber
        -std::shared_ptr<tf2_ros::TransformBroadcaster> odom_broadcaster
        -std::shared_ptr<tf2_ros::StaticTransformBroadcaster> static_broadcaster_
        -rclcpp::TimerBase::SharedPtr timer_
        -nav_msgs::msg::Path path
        -double x, y, th, vx, vth
        -rclcpp::Time current_time, last_time
        -void cmd_vel_callback(const geometry_msgs::msg::Twist::SharedPtr)
        -void timer_callback()
        -void send_static_transform()

    PurePursuitNode --|> OdometryPublisher: v, w
    OdometryPublisher --|> PurePursuitNode: x, y, th