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File metadata and controls

282 lines (190 loc) · 10.4 KB


    STRsearch is an end-to-end pipeline for targeted profiling of short tandem repeats (STRs) in massively parallel sequencing data. It is implemented using Python, supporting both version Python2 and Python3.

Algorithm description:

    Briefly, STRsearch employs an iterative algorithm to obtain the longest continuous interval composed by all motifs of STR sequence structure without a priori assumptions on allele size. The actual STR region is determined by comparing the position of repeat patterns with the best matching location of flanking sequences in reads. Ultimately, allele size is calculated not only for repeat patterns, but also indels that are actually in the STR region.


To obtain STRsearch, use:

git clone




    The following linux utilities are needed and the full path of them on your local machine should be provided in file

  1. bwa (v1.7 or higher)
  2. samtools (v1.7 or higher)
  3. bamToFastq (v2.17.0 or higher)
  4. seqtk (v1.2 or higher)
  5. usearch (v11 or higher) Download

Additionally, the following Python modules are required.

  1. numpy
  2. argparse
  3. pathlib

Configuration file format:

    The first step for STR analysis with STRsearch is to create a configuration file with your custom set of STR loci. One way to do this is by referring to the most up-to-date revised forensic STR sequence guide and a worksheet can be downloaded from link. You will need to make a configuration file with the following columns present:

Chr Start End Period Reference allele Marker STR STR sequence structure Stand 5' Flanking sequence 3' Flanking sequence
chr1 7442891 7442934 4 11 Marker1 D1GATA113 [GATA]n + ACTTGCTTCCTAGAT TTCCTATAGCCTCAA
chr21 20554291 20554417 4 29 Marker2 D21S11 [TCTA]n [TCTG]n [TCTA]n ta [TCTA]n tca [TCTA]n tccata [TCTA]n TA [TCTA]n + CCAAGTGAATTGCCT TCGTCTATCTATCCA
chrX 149710971 149711038 4 15 Marker3 DXS7423 [TGGA]n aggacaga [TGGA]n + AAATGAATGAGTATG TGGGGAGGAAATCTG
chrY 15752608 15752715 3 27 Marker4 DYS612 [CCT]n CTT [TCT]n CCT [TCT]n + AGGTTCAGAGGTTTG GTCACTTTTCCAAAT
chrY 20842518 20842573 4 14 Marker5 DYS385a [TTTC]n - TCCTTTCTTTTTCTC CCTTCCTTCCTTCCT
  1. Column 1 : chromosome (must)
  2. Column 2 : start coordinate of the STR (must)
  3. Column 3 : end coordinate of the STR (must)
  4. Column 4 : period of the STR (must)
  5. Column 5 : reference copy number (option)
  6. Column 6 : Marker name (option)
  7. Column 7 : STR name (option)
  8. Column 8 : Reference Sequence repeat region sequence structure summary (must)
  9. Column 9 : stand ("+" means positive stand;"-" means negative stand) (must)
  10. Column 10 : 5' flanking sequence of repeat region (must)
  11. Column 11 : 3' flanking sequence of repeat region (must)

Note some columns are not used. You can put any value in the non-required columns, just make sure there are at least 11 columns with the required information listed above. Importanly, flanking sequences are necessarily adjacent to STR repeat region.


FASTQ file or BAM-file from singe-end or paird-end sequencing platforms


  • genotypes.txt: genotypes on each targeted locus

  • multiple_alleles.txt: all alleles identified on each targeted locus

  • qc_matrix.txt: a quality control matrix including several sequence properties (total bases, sequencing quality score, number of allocated reads, distance distribution of STR repeat sequence to end of reads, allele read depth)

Usage examples

1. run with default parameters

for paired-end sequencing

python3 from_fastq \
--working_path example/test_results/ \
--sample test \
--fq1 example/test_data/test_R1.fastq \
--fq2 example/test_data/test_R2.fastq \
--ref ucsc.hg19.fasta
python3 from_bam \
--working_path example/test_results \
--sample test \
--sex male \
--bam example/test_results/alignments/test.bam \
--ref_bed example/ref_test.bed \
--genotypes example/test_results/test_genotypes.txt \
--multiple_alleles example/test_results/test_multiple_alleles.txt \
--qc_matrix example/test_results/test_qc_matrix.txt

for single-end sequencing

python3  \
--type single \
from_fastq \
--working_path example/test_results/ \
--sample test \
--fq1 example/test_data/test_R1.fastq \
--ref ucsc.hg19.fasta
python3 \
--type single \
from_bam \
--working_path example/test_results \
--sample test \
--sex male \
--bam example/test_results/alignments/test.bam \
--ref_bed example/ref_test.bed \
--genotypes example/test_results/test_genotypes.txt \
--multiple_alleles example/test_results/test_multiple_alleles.txt \
--qc_matrix example/test_results/test_qc_matrix.txt

2. run with self-defined parameters

python3 \
--assemble_pairs True \
--reads_threshold 50 \
--stutter_ratio 0.6 \
--num_threads 8 \
--num_processors 8 \
from_bam \
--working_path example/test_results \
--sample test \
--sex male \
--bam example/test_results/alignments/test.bam \
--ref_bed example/ref_test.bed \
--genotypes example/test_results/test_genotypes.txt \
--multiple_alleles example/test_results/test_multiple_alleles.txt \
--qc_matrix example/test_results/test_qc_matrix.txt


Default parameters

Option Value Type Default Summary
--help false display the help message
--type str paired (option) The sequencing type
--assemble_pairs bool False (option) if True, paired-end reads are assembled
--reads_threshold int 30 (option) The analytical threshold for reads
--stutter_ratio float 0.5 (option) The stutter ratio
--num_threads int 4 (option) The number of multiple threads
--num_processors int 4 (option) The number of multiprocess

Sub command

  1. from_bam
Option Value Type Default Summary
--help false display the help message
--working_path str null (must) The working path
--sample str null (must) The sample name
--sex str null (must) The sample sex
--bam str null (must) The input BAM-file
--ref_bed str null (must) The configuration file of STRs
--genotypes str null (must) The output for STR genotypes
--multiple_alleles str null (must) The output for multiple alleles
--qc_matrix str null (must) The output for quality control matrix
  1. from_fastq
Option Value Type Default Summary
--help false display the help message
--working_path str null (must) The working path
--sample str null (must) The sample name
--fq1 str null (must) The in1.fq
--fq2 str null (option) The in2.fq for paired-end sequencing
--ref str null (must) The reference genome fasta and index file in the same path

Run with Docker

To obtain STRsearch Docker image, use:

docker pull anjing123/strsearch:latest
├── ref
│   ├── ucsc.hg19.fasta
│   ├── ucsc.hg19.fasta.amb
│   ├── ucsc.hg19.fasta.ann
│   ├── ucsc.hg19.fasta.bwt
│   ├── ucsc.hg19.fasta.pac
│   └──
├── ref_test.bed
└── test_data
    ├── test.bam
    ├── test_R1.fastq
    └── test_R2.fastq
docker run -v LOCAL_PATH/app/:/app/ -w /app/ -it anjing123/strsearch:latest from_fastq \
--working_path /app/test_results/ \
--sample test \
--fq1 /app/test_data/test_R1.fastq \
--fq2 /app/test_data/test_R2.fastq \
--ref /app/ref/ucsc.hg19.fasta
docker run -v LOCAL_PATH/app/:/app/ -w /app/ -it anjing123/strsearch:latest from_bam \
--working_path /app/test_results/ \
--sample test \
--sex male \
--bam /app/test_results/alignments/test.bam \
--ref_bed /app/ref_test.bed \
--genotypes /app/test_results/test_genotypes.txt \
--multiple_alleles /app/test_results/test_multiple_alleles.txt \
--qc_matrix /app/test_results/test_qc_matrix.txt


The STRsearch publication is available here: STRsearch: a new pipeline for targeted profiling of short tandem repeats in massively parallel sequencing data


Developer: Dong Wang