Note: This tool has dependencies on Microsoft-internal systems.
NodeJs-based test to simulate many clients and a high rate of op generation.
- Run getkeys to enable your machine to retrieve OAuth tokens
This test runs in two different modes: Orchestrator Mode and Test Runner mode
This is the main entry point to the test - this Orchestrator process will spawn many Test Runner processes.
node ./dist/nodeStressTest.js --password <password> [--url <url>] [--profile <profile>] [--debug]
This is not typically invoked manually - rather, the Orchestrator process spawns Test Runners using this mode.
node ./dist/nodeStressTest.js --runId <runId> --password <password> --url <url> [--profile <profile>]
There are several npm scripts in package.json to make it quicker to launch this tool. Among others:
npm run start
- Launches in Orchestrator Mode with default options
npm run debug
- Launches in Orchestrator Mode with --debug
provided to allow for attaching to child test runners.
The password for the username provided in testconfig.json, to be used to retrieve auth tokens. Always required.
If present, the test will load an existing data store (at the given url) rather than creating a new container and data store.
(Required when --runId
is provided)
Specifies which test profile to use from testConfig.json. Defaults to full.
If present, launch in Test Runner mode with the given runId (to distinguish from other concurrent test runners).
is required, since the test runner needs to know which data store to connect to.
Launches each test runner with --inspect-brk
and a unique Node debugging port. (Not compatible with --runId
Overrides DEBUG environment variable for telemetry logging to console. If DEBUG env variable is unset and this is not provided, only errors will print. The value passed here should be a filter string for the logger namespace.
To print all messages, provide
--log '*'
or--log 'fluid:*'
. For example, to filter to only Container logs, provide something like:-l 'fluid:telemetry:Container:*'