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WebFlow is an experimental collaborative rich text editor built on top of the Fluid SharedString distributed data structure.

Getting Started

If you want to run this example follow the following steps:

  1. Run npm install from the FluidFramework root directory
  2. Navigate to this directory
  3. Run npm run start

Data Objects

There are three primary data objects:

  • The FlowDocument - encapsulates the SharedString and exposes APIs convenient for editing.
  • The Editor - renders the editing surface and updates the FlowDocument in response to user input.
  • The Host - creates a FlowDocument and attaches an Editor.


To host an instance of the Editor, your Fluid object will need to create an instance of a FlowDocument. In the Host example, this is done in host/host.ts:

    const docP = this.createAndAttachDataStore<FlowDocument>(this.docId, FlowDocument.type);

On subsequent loads, you'll want to open the same flow document:

    const docP = this.requestFluidObject<FlowDocument>(this.docId);

When the document resolves, pass it to a new Editor instance, along with the HTML DOM node you want the Editor to attach itself to (see 'host/host.ts'):

    const editor = new Editor(await docP, root, htmlFormatter);

host/host.ts also demonstrates how to connect an application's UI (e.g., toolbar) to editor functionality.