- Increased the minimum version of
to 4.0.0
- Removed IRIS reader, you will want to install and use
instead. - Removed support for Python 3.7. (#198)
- In IRIS spectrograph read, move all metadata to the meta objects of the raster cubes. (#182)
- Remove extra_coords keyword from ~sunraster.spectrogram.SpectrogramCube.__init__ in accordance with new ndcube 2.0 API. Extra coords can by added through the ndcube ExtraCoords.add API which is new in ndcube 2.0. (#182)
- In IRIS spectrograph reader, all extra coords except time have been moved to the meta object. (#182)
- Removed
properties from all objects in sunraster. (#184)
- Create new property ~sunraster.spectrogram.SpectrogramSequence.celestial, on ~sunraster.spectrogram.SpectrogramSequence to return a ~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord holding the celestial world coords of the pixels. (#182)
- Create new property ~sunraster.spectrogram.SpectrogramCube.celestial, on ~sunraster.spectrogram.SpectrogramCube to return a ~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord holding the celestial world coords of the pixels. (#182)
- Create a new ~sunraster.instr.iris.IRISSGMeta metadata object. (#182)
- Added a sliceable
class for axis-associated metadata. (#184)
- Include a base time to output of sunraster.SpectrogramCube.time when time is derived from WCS and a recognized base time can be found in meta. (#168)
- Add optional instrument_axes attribute to SpectrogramCube to enable users to keep track of axes (including through slicing) when axes may have a significance not fully described by the world axis physical types. (#169)
- Create new Metadata classes for defining mapping of metadata from instrument-specific files to a general metedata API. Includes a specific mapping for SolO/SPICE. (#171)
- Replace RasterSequence world_axis_physical_type properties with versions using NDCubeSequence.array_axis_physical_types. (#173)
- Provide functions to read SPICE file. Also refactor Meta class to be dict-like. (#173)
- Enable SPICE FITS reader to handle multiple files. (#178)
- Bump min ndcube version to fix bug caused when OS is bot 64-bit. (#162)
- Stop ~sunraster.spectrogram_sequence.SpectrogramSequence crashing when time coord not 1-D. (#178)
- Allow SPICE FITS reader to read handle dumbbell windows. (#178)
- Ensure args are passed correctly to NDCube constructor by SpectrogramCube by entering them as kwargs instead of ordered args. (#179)
- Altered names of some SPICEMeta properties. (#178)