We're using a simple perceptron, built with Tensorflow.
Although depth of the model is similar to that of a perceptron, the width of the model has been increased which lead us to better accuracy.
- Input: [ 4 nurons ]
- Hidden 1: [ 50 nurons ] FC (Fully Connected)
- Hidden 2: [ 50 nurons ] FC
- Hidden 3: [ 50 nurons ] FC
- Output: [ 2 nurons ] One-Hot
- Weight initialization: RandomNormal
- Activation:-
- All Hidden: ReLU
- Output: Softmax
- Cost function: CrossEntropy
- Optimizer: Adam (100 / 1,000,000 touple batch prop)
- 20 epochs of 10,000 iterations each
Touple in the input data set obviously match this format
IP Address has been normalized. Please create
suggesting IP normalization techniques.
Output: 0 / 1, for isAttackPacket === true.
Contain about 1 million UDP packets.
Please use Notepad++ or Sublime to view the data set on Windows
- raw_data_...txt: Attack and normal datasets taken from the internet
- IPTrain_data_...txt: Data and label for training the model
- test_data_...txt: Data and label for testing the trained model
- MODEL_TEST: Saved model