We would like to acknowledge the wide variety of resources on this subject and many others that are freely available for learners, researchers and developers.
Some of these resources have inspired content, others are there as they are an alternative way to look at how to use and learn version control.
QuickRef.ME. (n.d.). Git Command Cheat Sheet & Quick Reference. [online] Available at: https://quickref.me/git [Accessed 1 Mar. 2024].
Stepp, M., Miller, J., Anderson, R., Wortzman, B., Fung, Z. and Matuszek, D. (n.d.). Version Control and Git. [online] Available at: https://homepage.divms.uiowa.edu/~sgoddard/Courses/CS2820/Lectures/1-VersionControl-and-Git.pdf [Accessed 1 Mar. 2024].
Traversy, B. (2017). Git & GitHub Crash Course For Beginners. [online] www.youtube.com. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWYqp7iY_Tc.