Quick review notes on functions.
- Do not return a value
def welcome():
print("-" * 50)
print("Welcome to this demo")
print("-" * 50)
Code: functions_void.py
- Define one or more parameters
- Accepts exactly the same number of arguments
- Each argument must match the parameter in the same position
- If number of arguments does not match number of parameters then an error will occur
def welcome(persons_name):
print("-" * 50)
print(f"Welcome to this demo, {persons_name}")
print("-" * 50)
Calling welcome
, and missing the argument:
Gives output of:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\5001775\Source\Repos\ICTPRG302\Sessions\session-05\functions_with_parameter.py", line 26, in <module>
welcome() # ERROR! missing the argument
TypeError: welcome() missing 1 required positional argument: 'persons_name'
Note: This tells us we are missing an argument for
. It tells us that the error is most likely at line 26 of our code.
Code: functions_with_parameter.py
- Naming parameters allows for default values
- Naming parameters allows for arguments to be reordered
def welcome(person=""):
print("-" * 50)
print(f"Welcome to this demo, {person}")
print("-" * 50)
Code: functions_with_named_parameter.py
- Naming parameters allows for default values
- Naming parameters allows for arguments to be reordered
- Named parameters must come after positional parameters
def welcome(person, character="-"):
# Welcome has positional (person) and named (character) parameters
print(character * 50)
print(f"Welcome to this demo, {person:>10s}")
print(character * 50)
welcome("Jack", "=")
welcome("James", "")
welcome("Jill", character="*")
Code: functions_with_positional_and_named_parameter.py
Small change in this example - both parameters are named.
def welcome(person="", character="-"):
print(character * 50)
print(f"Welcome to this demo, {person}")
print(character * 50)
welcome("Josiah", "#")
# Cannot use welcome(person="Eve","%") as named parameters must be last
welcome("Stacey", character="*")
welcome(person="Bradley", character="=")
Code: functions_with_multiple_named_parameters.py
- usually have at least one parameter
- return (usually) one result
Example calculates the total cost of a product given the weight and the price per kilogram.
def cost(quantity=0.0, price=0.0):
total_cost = quantity * price
return total_cost
weight = 3.5
price_per_kilo = 3.35
total = cost(weight, price_per_kilo)
print(f"Total: ${total:1.2f}")
total_for_apples = cost(price=5.56, quantity=9)
print(f"Total: ${total_for_apples:4.2f}")