This project will work like assistant, generating suitable results
This code is made on python with the help of import files:
This code will play relevant search video on yt, tell time, and other related stuffs.
speech_recogniton: It reads the input voice (here this thing doesn't come in picture as this code generate results on type stuffs other than voice).
pyttsx3: It convert text to speech.
pywhatkit: here it helps to play stuff on yt
datetime for time & date
wikipedia for generating the info of a particular noun
pyjokes for jokes
googlesearch & webbrowser generate relevant result from google and open the google result in new tab.
generating voice and voice changing engine=pyttsx3.init() voices=engine.getProperty('voices') #for voice engine.setProperty('voice',voices[1].id) #voice changer
Other things are of python code. Will update readme file more in near future.
Feel Free to share your thoughts about it..