TypeScript library that wraps webextension api for tsurlfilter library.
Table of content:
- TSWebExtension
- Browser support
- Install
- Usage
- configuration
- filters (MV2 only)
- staticFiltersIds (MV3 only)
- customFilters (MV3 only)
- filtersPath (MV3 only)
- ruleSetsPath (MV3 only)
- filteringLogEnabled (MV3 only)
- allowlist
- trustedDomains
- userrules (MV2)
- userrules (MV3)
- verbose (deprecated)
- logLevel
- settings
- TsWebExtension
- Properties
- Methods
- initStorage()
- start()
- configure()
- stop()
- openAssistant()
- closeAssistant()
- getRulesCount()
- retrieveDynamicRuleNode
- getMessageHandler()
- setFilteringEnabled() (MV2 only)
- setCollectHitStats() (MV2 only)
- setDebugScriptlets() (MV2 only)
- setStealthModeEnabled() (MV2 only)
- setSelfDestructFirstPartyCookies() (MV2 only)
- setSelfDestructThirdPartyCookies() (MV2 only)
- setSelfDestructFirstPartyCookiesTime() (MV2 only)
- setSelfDestructThirdPartyCookiesTime() (MV2 only)
- setHideReferrer() (MV2 only)
- setHideSearchQueries() (MV2 only)
- setBlockChromeClientData() (MV2 only)
- setSendDoNotTrack() (MV2 only)
- setBlockWebRTC() (MV2 only)
- configuration
- Filtering Log API (MV2 only)
- Development
manifest v2 | manifest v3 | |
Chrome | ✅ | 🚧 |
Firefox | ✅ | 🚧 |
pnpm add @adguard/tswebextension
You can find examples in packages/examples/tswebextension-*
Before running compiled app, load the web accessible resources for redirect rules
via built-in cli:
tswebextension war [path]
or intergrate loading in your build pipeline:
import { copyWar, DEFAULT_WAR_PATH } from '@adguard/tswebextension/cli';
const build = async () => {
await copyWar(DEFAULT_WAR_PATH);
If path is not defined, the resources will be loaded to build/war
relative to your current working directory by default
The console interface provides useful tools for building extensions.
Usage: tswebextension-utils [options] [command]
CLI to some development utils
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command
war [path] Downloads web accessible resources for
redirect rules
help [command] display help for command
The main idea of the library is to provide a common interface for different browsers and manifest versions. via Configuration object.
TsWebExtension class provides a set of methods for filtering content from the extension's background context.
MV2 submodule also provides a set of methods for filtering log management.
type: Configuration
Configuration object.
type: string
Version of the library.
type: string
Version of the extended css module, used in current library version.
type: FilterMV2[]
List of filters.
type: number
Filter identifier.
type: Uint8Array[]
AGTree byte buffer chunks.
type: boolean
Determines if filter list js rules should be executed.
type: number[]
List of static filters ids.
type: CustomFilterMV3[]
List of custom filters that can be added/edited/deleted by the user.
type: number
Filter identifier.
type: string
Raw filter list.
type: Record<string, number>
Source map, where key is the rule start index in the byte buffer content
and value is the line start index in the raw filter list.
type: Record<string, string>
Conversion map, where key is the line start index in the raw filter list and value is the rule text.
type: Uint8Array[]
AGTree byte buffer chunks.
type: string
Path to the filter list file.
type: string
Path to directory with converted rule sets.
type: boolean
Enables filtering log if true.
type: string[]
List of hostnames or domains of sites, which should be excluded from blocking or which should be included in blocking depending on the value of allowlistInverted setting value.
type: string[]
List of domain names of sites, which should be temporary excluded from document blocking.
type: Uint8Array[]
AGTree byte buffer chunks.
type: Record<string, number> | undefined
Source map, where key is the rule start index in the byte buffer content
and value is the line start index in the raw filter list.
Optional field, can be omitted.
type: string
Raw filter list.
type: Record<string, number>
Source map, where key is the rule start index in the byte buffer content
and value is the line start index in the raw filter list.
type: Record<string, string>
Conversion map, where key is the line start index in the raw filter list and value is the rule text.
type: Uint8Array[]
AGTree byte buffer chunks.
type: boolean | undefined
Optional flag responsible for logging. Defaults to true. Will be removed in the next minor version.
type: string | undefined
Optional flag that sets logging level, defaults to 'error'. Available levels: 'error', 'warn', 'info', 'debug'.
type: SettingsConfig
Settings configuration object.
type: boolean
If this flag is true, the application will work ONLY with domains from the allowlist, otherwise it will work everywhere EXCLUDING domains from the list.
type: boolean
Flag specifying allowlist enable state. We don't use allowlist array length condition for calculate enable state, because it's not cover case with empty list in inverted mode.
type: boolean
Enables css hits counter if true.
Optional, type: boolean
Defaults to false. Enables scriptlets logging in console if true.
type: boolean
Enables stealth mode if true.
type: boolean
Enables filtering if true.
type: string
Redirect url for $document rules.
type: string
Path to the assembled @adguard/assistant
module. Necessary for lazy on-demand loading of the assistant.
type: StealthConfig
Stealth mode configuration object.
type: boolean
Should the application set a fixed lifetime from selfDestructFirstPartyCookiesTime for first-party cookies.
type: number
Time in minutes to delete first-party cookies.
type: boolean
Should the application set a fixed lifetime from selfDestructThirdPartyCookiesTime for third-party cookies.
type: number
Time in minutes to delete third-party cookies.
type: boolean
Should the application hide the origin referrer in third-party requests by replacing the referrer url with the request url.
type: boolean
Should the application hide the original referrer from the search page containing the search query in third-party queries, replacing the referrer url with the request url.
type: boolean
For Google Chrome, it removes the 'X-Client-Data' header from the requests, which contains information about the browser version and modifications.
type: boolean
Includes HTTP headers 'DNT' and 'Sec-GPC' in all requests.
Read more about DNT: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Do_Not_Track.
Read more about GPC: https://globalprivacycontrol.org.
type: boolean
Blocks the possibility of leaking your IP address through WebRTC, even if you use a proxy server or VPN.
type: ConfigurationMV2Context | ConfigurationMV3Context
Configuration context with an omitted array of rule and domain strings loaded in the filter engine.
It is used to reduce memory consumption when storing configuration data in memory.
type: EventChannel<FilteringLogEvent>
Event channel for filtering log events.
type: boolean
Is app started.
type: () => Promise<void>
Initialize app persistent data. This method called as soon as possible and allows access to the actual context before the app is started.
type: (configuration: TConfiguration) => Promise<TConfigurationResult>
Starts the app.
Also updates webRTC privacy.network settings on demand and flushes browser in-memory request cache.
type: (configuration: TConfiguration) => Promise<TConfigurationResult>
Updates the configuration.
Also updates webRTC privacy.network settings on demand and flushes browser in-memory request cache.
type: () => Promise<void>
Stops the app.
type: (tabId: number) => void
Opens the assistant in the specified tab.
type: (tabId: number) => void
type: () => number
Returns number of active rules.
type: (filterId: number, ruleIndex: number): AnyRule | null
Retrieves rule node from a dynamically created filter, like stealth rules.
type: () => MessageHandlerMV2 | MessageHandlerMV3
Returns a message handler that will listen to internal messages, for example: message for get computed css for content-script.
type: (isFilteringEnabled: boolean) => Promise<void>
Updates filteringEnabled configuration value without re-initialization of engine.
Also updates webRTC privacy.network settings on demand and flushes browser in-memory request cache.
Throws error if configuration is not set.
type: (isCollectStats: boolean) => void
Updates collectStats configuration value without re-initialization of engine.
Throws error if configuration is not set.
type: (isDebugScriptlets: boolean) => void
Updates debugScriptlets configuration value without re-initialization of engine.
Throws error if configuration is not set.
type: (value: isStealthModeEnabled) => Promise<void>
Updates stealthModeEnabled configuration value without re-initialization of engine.
Also updates webRTC privacy.network settings on demand.
Throws error if configuration is not set.
type: (isSelfDestructFirstPartyCookies: boolean) => void
Updates selfDestructFirstPartyCookies stealth config value without re-initialization of engine.
Throws error if configuration is not set.
type: (isSelfDestructThirdPartyCookies: boolean) => void
Updates selfDestructThirdPartyCookies stealth config value without re-initialization of engine.
Throws error if configuration is not set.
type: (selfDestructFirstPartyCookiesTime: number) => void
Updates selfDestructFirstPartyCookiesTime stealth config value without re-initialization of engine.
Throws error if configuration is not set.
type: (selfDestructThirdPartyCookiesTime: number) => void
Updates selfDestructThirdPartyCookiesTime stealth config value without re-initialization of engine.
Throws error if configuration is not set.
type: (isHideReferrer: boolean) => void
Updates hideReferrer stealth config value without re-initialization of engine.
Throws error if configuration is not set.
type: (isHideSearchQueries: boolean) => void
Updates hideSearchQueries stealth config value without re-initialization of engine.
Throws error if configuration is not set.
type: (isBlockChromeClientData: boolean) => void
Updates blockChromeClientData stealth config value without re-initialization of engine.
Throws error if configuration is not set.
type: (isSendDoNotTrack: boolean) => void
Updates sendDoNotTrack stealth config value without re-initialization of engine.
Throws error if configuration is not set.
type: (isBlockWebRTC: boolean) => Promise<void>
Updates blockWebRTC stealth config value without re-initialization of engine.
Also updates webRTC privacy.network settings on demand.
Throws error if configuration is not set.
Provides a set of methods for filtering log events management.
type: SendRequestEvent
Dispatched on request sending.
type: TabReloadEvent
Dispatched on tab reload.
type: ApplyBasicRuleEvent
Dispatched on request block or allowlist rule matching.
type: ApplyCosmeticRuleEvent
Dispatched on elemhide, css or html rule applying.
type: ApplyCspRuleEvent
Dispatched on csp rule applying.
type: ReceiveResponseEvent
Dispatched on response receiving.
type: CookieEvent
Dispatched on cookie removing or modifying.
type: RemoveHeaderEvent
Dispatched on request or response header removing.
type: RemoveParamEvent
Dispatched on request or response param removing.
type: ReplaceRuleApplyEvent
Dispatched on replace rule applying.
type: ContentFilteringStartEvent
Dispatched on content filtering start.
type: ContentFilteringFinishEvent
Dispatched on content filtering end.
type: StealthActionEvent
Dispatched on stealth action.
type: StealthAllowlistActionEvent
Dispatched on preventing stealth action with $stealth
type: JsInjectEvent
Dispatched on js inject into page context.
type: EventChannel<FilteringLogEvent>
Event channel for filtering log events.
<T extends FilteringEventType>(type: T, listener: FilteringLogListener<ExtractedFilteringLogEvent<T>>) => void
Registers a listener for the specified filtering event type.
<T extends FilteringLogEvent>(event: T) => void
Dispatch the specified filtering event.
This project is part of the @adguard/extensions
It is highly recommended to use lerna
for commands, as it will execute scripts in the correct order and can cache dependencies.
Run module tests
npx lerna run --scope=@adguard/tswebextension test
Run build
npx lerna run --scope=@adguard/tswebextension build
Lint source code
npx lerna run --scope=@adguard/tswebextension lint