A behavioral design pattern:
- lets you (traverse elements || get a way to access the elements) of a collection without know its underlying representation (list, stack, tree, etc.).
- Iterator is easy to recognize by the navigation methods (such as next, previous and others).
- Client code that uses iterators might not have direct access to the collection being traversed.
- Iterator Design Pattern
- Definitions
- Components && Diagrams (UML class || Sequence diagrams).
- What problems can it solve || When to Use || Use Cases
- Examples
- When to not use Iterator Design Pattern
- Summery
- Sources
- The Iterator pattern:
- is a widely used design pattern in software development
- that provides a way to access the elements of an aggregate object (such as a list or collection) sequentially without exposing its underlying representation
- It defines a separate object, called an iterator,
- which encapsulates the details of traversing the elements of the aggregate,
- allowing the aggregate to change its internal structure without affecting the way its elements are accessed.
- The Iterator pattern:
- declares the operations required for traversing a collection:
- fetching the next element,
- retrieving the current position,
- restarting iteration, etc.
- specific algorithms for traversing a collection.
- The iterator object should track the traversal progress on its own.
- This allows several iterators to traverse the same collection independently of each other.
- declares one or multiple methods for getting iterators compatible with the collection.
- Note that:
- the return type of the methods must be declared as the iterator interface so that the concrete collections can return various kinds of iterators.
- return new instances of a particular concrete iterator class each time the client requests one.
- You might be wondering, where’s the rest of the collection’s code? Don’t worry, it should be in the same class.
- It’s just that these details aren’t crucial to the actual pattern, so we’re omitting them.
Works with both collections and iterators via their interfaces.
- This way the client isn’t coupled to concrete classes,
- allowing you to use various collections and iterators with the same client code.
clients don’t create iterators on their own,
- but instead get them from collections.
- Yet, in certain cases, the client can create one directly; for example, when the client defines its own special iterator.
- Defines the interface for accessing and traversing elements in the collection.
- It typically includes methods like
, and optionallyremove()
- Implements the Iterator interface and maintains the current position in the traversal of the aggregate.
- It provides the actual implementation for the traversal operations defined in the Iterator interface.
- Defines the interface for creating an Iterator object.
- It typically includes a method like
that returns an Iterator object for the collection.
- Implements the Aggregate interface and represents the collection of objects.
- It provides the implementation for creating an Iterator object that can traverse its elements.
- The Iterator pattern:
- Allows us to access the elements of a collection sequentially without exposing its underlying representation.
- It provides a way to iterate over a collection regardless of its internal structure.
Need for sequential access:
- Use the Iterator pattern:
- when you need to access elements of a collection sequentially without exposing its underlying representation.
- Use the Iterator pattern:
Decoupling iteration logic:
- Use the Iterator pattern:
- when you want to decouple the iteration logic from the collection.
- This allows the collection to change its internal structure without affecting the way its elements are accessed.
- Use the Iterator pattern:
Support for multiple iterators:
- Use the Iterator pattern:
- when you need to support multiple iterators over the same collection.
- Each iterator maintains its own iteration state, allowing multiple iterations to occur concurrently.
- Use the Iterator pattern:
Simplifying client code:
- Use the Iterator pattern: to simplify client code that iterates over a collection.
- Clients only need to interact with the iterator interface, abstracting away the complexity of the collection’s internal structure.
Use the Iterator pattern when your collection has a complex data structure under the hood, but you want to hide its complexity from clients (either for convenience or security reasons).
Use the pattern to reduce duplication of the traversal code across your app.
Use the Iterator when you want your code to be able to traverse different data structures or when types of these structures are unknown beforehand.
// Employee class
class Employee {
final String _name;
final double _salary;
Employee(this._name, this._salary);
double getSalary() => _salary;
String getName() => _name;
/// Iterator interface
abstract interface class Iterator<T> {
bool hasNext();
T next();
/// Aggregate interface
abstract interface class Aggregate<T> {
Iterator<T> createIterator();
/// Concrete Iterator
class EmployeeIterator implements Iterator<Employee> {
int _currentIndex = 0;
final List<Employee> _employees;
EmployeeIterator(List<Employee> employees) : _employees = employees;
bool hasNext() {
return _currentIndex < _employees.length;
Employee next() {
if (!hasNext()) {
throw Exception("No such element");
return _employees[_currentIndex++];
// Concrete Aggregate
class Company implements Aggregate<Employee> {
final List<Employee> _employees;
Company(List<Employee> employees) : _employees = employees;
Iterator<Employee> createIterator() {
return EmployeeIterator(_employees);
void main() {
List<Employee> employees = [];
employees.add(Employee("Alice", 50000));
employees.add(Employee("Bob", 60000));
employees.add(Employee("Charlie", 70000));
Company company = Company(employees);
Iterator<Employee> iterator = company.createIterator();
double totalSalary = 0;
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
totalSalary += iterator.next().getSalary();
print("Total salary: $totalSalary");
/// Total salary: 180000.0
- Source: refactoring.guru java example
- Dart Code: link
- When the collection is not accessed sequentially: If the collection is not accessed sequentially, using the Iterator pattern may add unnecessary complexity.
- When the collection structure is fixed: If the structure of the collection is fixed and unlikely to change, using the Iterator pattern may be overkill. Direct access methods may be more appropriate and simpler to implement.
- When performance is critical: In performance-critical applications, the overhead of using iterators may be significant, especially if the collection is large. In such cases, consider direct access methods for better performance.
- When the language provides better alternatives: Some languages provide built-in constructs or libraries that offer more efficient ways to iterate over collections.
- The main idea of the Iterator pattern is to extract the traversal behavior of a collection into a separate object called an