- 1. Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
- 2. Open closed principle
- 3. Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
- 4. Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)
- 5. Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)
- a class should only have a single responsibility
- so that it could change for one reason and no more.
- In other words,
- you should create classes dealing with a single duty
- so that they’re easier to maintain and harder to break.
class Shapes {
List<String> cache = List<>();
// Calculations
double squareArea(double l) { /* ... */ }
double circleArea(double r) { /* ... */ }
double triangleArea(double b, double h) { /* ... */ }
// Paint to the screen
void paintSquare(Canvas c) { /* ... */ }
void paintCircle(Canvas c) { /* ... */ }
void paintTriangle(Canvas c) { /* ... */ }
// GET requests
String wikiArticle(String figure) { /* ... */ }
void _cacheElements(String text) { /* ... */ }
- class for each operation or logic
// Calculations and logic
abstract class Shape {
double area();
class Square extends Shape {}
class Circle extends Shape {}
class Rectangle extends Shape {}
// UI painting
class ShapePainter {}
// Networking
class ShapesOnline {}
There are 3 separated classes focusing on a single task to accomplish:
they are easier to read, test, maintain and understand.
- in a good architecture
- you should be able to add new behaviors
- without modifying the existing source code.
- This concept is notoriously described with the sentence:
"software entities should be open for extensions but closed for modifications ".
/// SRP class
class Rectangle {
final double width;
final double height;
Rectangle(this.width, this.height);
/// SRP class
class Circle {
final double radius;
double get PI => 3.1415;
/// problem is here
class AreaCalculator {
double calculate(Object shape) {
if (shape is Rectangle) {
// Smart cast
return r.width * r.height;
} else {
final c = shape as Circle;
return c.radius * c.radius * c.PI;
- Both Rectangle and Circle respect the SRP
- The problem is inside AreaCalculator:
- because if we added other shapes,
- we would have to edit the code to add more if conditions
- replaced if => with interface
- open for extensions >> open to add new shape
- close for modification >> no written class or method will modified
// Use it as an interface
abstract class Area {
double computeArea();
// Every class calculates the area by itself
class Rectangle implements Area {}
class Circle implements Area {}
class Triangle implements Area {}
class Rhombus implements Area {}
class Trapezoid implements Area {}
class AreaCalculator {
double calculate(Area shape) {
return shape.computeArea();
Thanks to the interface,
now we have the possibility to add or remove as many classes as we want
without changing AreaCalculator.
For example, if we added class Square implements Area it would automatically be "compatible" with the double calculate(...) method.
� The gist of this principle is: depend on abstractions and not on implementations.
Thanks to abstract classes you work with abstractions and not with the concrete implementations: your code doesn’t rely on "predefined" entities.
subclasses should be replaceable with superclasses
- without altering the logical correctness of the program.
In practical terms, it means that a
- subtype must guarantee the "usage conditions" of its supertype
- plus something more it wants
class Rectangle {
double width;
double height;
Rectangle(this.width, this.height);
class Square extends Rectangle {
Square(double length): super(length, length);
/// Fail >>> Not Valid change width and height with different values of square
void main() {
Rectangle fail = Square(3);
fail.width = 4;
fail.height = 8;
We have a big logic problem here.
- A square must have 4 sides with the same length
- but the rectangle doesn’t have this restriction.
at this point we have a square with 2 sides of length 4 and 2 sides of length 8 ... which is absolutely wrong!
This example also shows that:
- inheriting from abstract classes or interfaces,
- rather than concrete classes,
- is a very good practice. Prefer composition (with interfaces) over inheritance.
- to solve this problem,
simply make Rectangle and Square two independent classes
.- Breaking LSP does not occur if you depend from interfaces:
- they don’t provide any logic implementation as it’s deferred to the actual classes.
abstract class Shape {
double computeArea();
class Rectangle implements Shape {}
class Square extends Shape {}
- A client doesn’t have to be forced to implement a behavior it doesn’t need.
- What turns out from this is:
- you should create small interfaces with minimal methods.
- Generally
it’s better having 8 interfaces with 1 method instead of 1 interface with 8 methods
// Interfaces
abstract class Worker {
void work();
void sleep();
class Human implements Worker {
void work() => print("I do a lot of work");
void sleep() => print("I need 10 hours per night...");
class Robot implements Worker {
void work() => print("I always work");
void sleep() {} // ??
This is definitely better because
- there are no useless methods
- and we’re free to decide which behaviors should the classes implement.
// Interfaces
abstract class Worker {
void work();
abstract class Sleeper {
void sleep();
class Human implements Worker, Sleeper {
void work() => print("I do a lot of work");
void sleep() => print("I need 10 hours per night...");
class Robot implements Worker {
void work() => print("I always work");
very important
DIP states that we should code against abstractions and not implementations.
- ✅ Extending an abstract class is good
- ✅ and implement an interface is good
❌ but descending from a concrete classed with no abstract methods is bad.
client = dependency = the thing that we injected (gmail and hotMail)
/// Low Level
class HotMail {
send() {}
class Gmail {
send() {}
/// high level
class Notification {
HotMail hotMail = HotMail();
Gmail gmail = Gmail();
void sendGmail() => gmail.send();
void sendHotMail() => hotMail.send();
/// in Main
void main(List<String> args) {
Notification notification = Notification();
/// Low Level
abstract class BaseMail {
class HotMail implements BaseMail {
send() {}
class Gmail implements BaseMail {
send() {}
/// high level
class Notification {
BaseMail baseMail;
void send() => baseMail.send();
/// in Main
void main(List<String> args) {
Notification notification = Notification(Gmail());
- Dependency injection (DI) is a very famous way to implement the DIP.
- Depending on abstractions gives the freedom to be independent from the implementation.
- Look at this example:
// Use this as interface
abstract class EncryptionAlgorithm {
String encrypt(); // <-- abstraction
class AlgoAES implements EncryptionAlgorithm {}
class AlgoRSA implements EncryptionAlgorithm {}
class AlgoSHA implements EncryptionAlgorithm {}
class FileManager {
void secureFile(EncryptionAlgorithm algo) {
FileManager class
knows nothing about how algo works, it’s just aware that the encrypt() => Method secures a file. -
This is essential for maintenance because we can call the method as we want:
void main(){
final fm = FileManager(...);
If we added another encryption algorithm, it would be automatically compatible with secureFile as it is a subtype of EncryptionAlgorithm.
In this example, Done the 5 SOLID principles all together.