Commands are bound to physical keys and displayed with the US layout.
- F1 → Show help (Page context)
- Shift + F1 → Open the documentation in a new tab (Page context)
- j → Scroll down (Command context)
- k → Scroll up (Command context)
- l → Scroll right (Command context)
- h → Scroll left (Command context)
- J → Scroll page down (Command context)
- K → Scroll page up (Command context)
- g → Scroll to the top of the page (Command context)
- G → Scroll to the bottom of the page (Command context)
- H → Go back in history (Command context)
- L → Go forward in history (Command context)
- u → Go up in hierarchy (Command context)
- U → Go to the home page (Command context)
- Alt + u → Remove any URL parameter (Command context)
- + → Zoom in (Command context) – Requires Commands
- - → Zoom out (Command context) – Requires Commands
- = → Reset to default zoom level (Command context) – Requires Commands
- t → New tab (Command context) – Requires Commands
- T → Restore tab (Command context) – Requires Commands
- b → Duplicate tab (Command context) – Requires Commands
- n → New window (Command context) – Requires Commands
- N → New incognito window (Command context) – Requires Commands
- x → Close tab (Command context) – Requires Commands
- X → Close other tabs (Command context) – Requires Commands
- Alt + x → Close tabs to the right (Command context) – Requires Commands
- r → Reload the page (Command context)
- R → Reload the page, ignoring cached content (Command context)
- Alt + r → Reload all tabs (Command context) – Requires Commands
- Alt + l → Next tab (Command context) – Requires Commands
- Alt + h → Previous tab (Command context) – Requires Commands
- 1 → First tab (Command context) – Requires Commands
- 0 → Last tab (Command context) – Requires Commands
- Alt + L → Move tab right (Command context) – Requires Commands
- Alt + H → Move tab left (Command context) – Requires Commands
- Alt + 1 → Move tab first (Command context) – Requires Commands
- Alt + 0 → Move tab last (Command context) – Requires Commands
- d → Detach tab (Command context) – Requires Commands
- D → Attach tab (Command context) – Requires Commands
- Shift + Escape → Discard tab (Command context) – Requires Commands
- Alt + m → Mute tab (Command context) – Requires Commands
- Alt + M → Mute all tabs (Command context) – Requires Commands
- Alt + p → Pin tab (Command context) – Requires Commands
- f → Focus link (Command context)
- F → Select multiple links (Command context)
- i → Focus input (Command context)
- v → Focus video (Command context)
- Enter → Open link (Link context)
- Control + Enter → Open link in new tab (Link context)
- Shift + Enter → Open link in new window (Link context)
- Alt + Enter → Download link (Link context)
- s → Select active element (Command context)
- S → Select elements that match the specified group of selectors (Command context)
- % → Select document (Command context)
- ) → Focus next selection (Command context)
- ( → Focus previous selection (Command context)
- Space → Clear selections (Command context)
- Control + Space → Focus main selection (Command context)
- Alt + Space → Remove main selection (Command context)
- Alt + a → Select parent elements (Command context)
- Alt + i → Select child elements (Command context)
- Alt + I → Select links (Command context)
- Alt + ) → Select next sibling elements (Command context)
- Alt + ( → Select previous sibling elements (Command context)
- [ → Select first child elements (Command context)
- ] → Select last child elements (Command context)
- Alt + k → Keep selections that match the given RegExp (Command context)
- Alt + K → Keep links that match the given RegExp (Command context)
- Alt + j → Clear selections that match the given RegExp (Command context)
- Alt + J → Clear links that match the given RegExp (Command context)
- Z → Save selections (Command context)
- z → Restore selections (Command context)
- Escape → Unfocus active element (Page context)
- Alt + Escape → Pass all keys to the page (Page context)
- y → Copy page address (Command context)
- Alt + y → Copy page title (Command context)
- Y → Copy page address and title (Command context)
- y → Copy link address (Link context)
- Alt + y → Copy link text (Link context)
- Y → Copy link address and text (Link context)
- y → Copy image address (Image context)
- Alt + y → Copy image description (Image context)
- Y → Copy image address and description (Image context)
- Space → Pause video (Video context)
- m → Mute video (Video context)
- l → Seek forward 5 seconds (Video context)
- h → Seek backward 5 seconds (Video context)
- g → Seek to the beginning (Video context)
- G → Seek to the end (Video context)
- k → Increase volume (Video context)
- j → Decrease volume (Video context)
- f → Toggle full-screen mode (Video context)
- p → Toggle picture-in-picture mode (Video context)