chore: clean documents from spaces and newlines
chore: clean documents from spaces and newlines
feat: return snippets of the documents with marked query words
feat: return snippets of the documents with marked query words
chore: clean documents from spaces and newlines
chore: clean documents from spaces and newlines
feat: return search result documents with urls
feat: return search result documents with urls
feat: add index_terminate endpoint
feat: add index_terminate endpoint
fix: add some fixes
fix: add some fixes
fix: major updates and fixes in inverted index structure and concurrency
fix: major updates and fixes in inverted index structure and concurrency
fix: fix robots.txt infinite loop
fix: fix robots.txt infinite loop
Force push
fix: fix some issues related the making the invertedIndex concurrent
fix: fix some issues related the making the invertedIndex concurrent
fix: update CMake file to work for linux
fix: update CMake file to work for linux
fix: fix some issues related the making the invertedIndex concurrent
fix: fix some issues related the making the invertedIndex concurrent
feat: add a thread pool class
feat: add a thread pool class
fix: update SeachEngineServer with the new webcrawler concurrency rel…
fix: update SeachEngineServer with the new webcrawler concurrency rel…
fix: some changes to crawler concurrency handling
fix: some changes to crawler concurrency handling
feat: Implement Craw Server with API endpoints for search, crawl, ind…
feat: Implement Craw Server with API endpoints for search, crawl, ind…
feat: updates for concurrent crawler operations
feat: updates for concurrent crawler operations
feat: Implement Craw Server with API endpoints for search, crawl, ind…
feat: Implement Craw Server with API endpoints for search, crawl, ind…
feat: Implement Craw Server with API endpoints for search, crawl, ind…
feat: Implement Craw Server with API endpoints for search, crawl, ind…
feat: abstract a SearchEngine class, and some refactoring
feat: abstract a SearchEngine class, and some refactoring
feat: add TermFreq/ExactMatch weight for compound (term/term&phrase) …
feat: add TermFreq/ExactMatch weight for compound (term/term&phrase) …
feat: add parenthesis to logical term search ex: not (phrase1 and phr…
feat: add parenthesis to logical term search ex: not (phrase1 and phr…