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# Copyright 2015-2017, Noah Kantrowitz
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
name "poise-javascript"
version "1.2.1"
description "A Chef cookbook for managing Node.js and io.js installations."
long_description "# Poise-Javascript Cookbook\n\n[](https://travis-ci.org/poise/poise-javascript)\n[](https://rubygems.org/gems/poise-javascript)\n[](https://supermarket.chef.io/cookbooks/poise-javascript)\n[](https://codecov.io/github/poise/poise-javascript)\n[](https://gemnasium.com/poise/poise-javascript)\n[](https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)\n\nA [Chef](https://www.chef.io/) cookbook to provide a unified interface for\ninstalling server-side JavaScript runtimes like Node.js and io.js.\n\n## Quick Start\n\nTo install the latest available version of Node.js 0.12:\n\n```ruby\njavascript_runtime '0.12'\n```\n\n## Supported JavaScript Runtimes\n\nThis cookbook can install Node.js and io.js on Linux and OS X.\n\n## Requirements\n\nChef 12.1 or newer is required.\n\n## Attributes\n\nAttributes are used to configure the default recipe.\n\n* `node['poise-javascript']['install_nodejs']` – Install a Node.js runtime. *(default: true)*\n* `node['poise-javascript']['install_iojs']` – Install an io.js runtime. *(default: false)*\n\n## Recipes\n\n### `default`\n\nThe default recipe installs Node.js or io.js based on the node attributes. It is\nentirely optional and can be ignored in favor of direct use of the\n`javascript_runtime` resource.\n\n## Resources\n\n### `javascript_runtime`\n\nThe `javascript_runtime` resource installs a JavaScript interpreter.\n\n```ruby\njavascript_runtime '0.12'\n```\n\n#### Actions\n\n* `:install` – Install the JavaScript interpreter. *(default)*\n* `:uninstall` – Uninstall the JavaScript interpreter.\n\n#### Properties\n\n* `version` – Version of the runtime to install. If a partial version is given,\n use the latest available version matching that prefix. *(name property)*\n\n#### Provider Options\n\nThe `poise-javascript` library offers an additional way to pass configuration\ninformation to the final provider called \"options\". Options are key/value pairs\nthat are passed down to the `javascript_runtime` provider and can be used to control how it\ninstalls JavaScript. These can be set in the `javascript_runtime`\nresource using the `options` method, in node attributes or via the\n`javascript_runtime_options` resource. The options from all sources are merged\ntogether in to a single hash.\n\nWhen setting options in the resource you can either set them for all providers:\n\n```ruby\njavascript_runtime 'myapp' do\n version '0.10'\n options dev_package: false\nend\n```\n\nor for a single provider:\n\n```ruby\njavascript_runtime 'myapp' do\n version '0.10'\n options :system, dev_package: false\nend\n```\n\nSetting via node attributes is generally how an end-user or application cookbook\nwill set options to customize installations in the library cookbooks they are using.\nYou can set options for all installations or for a single runtime:\n\n```ruby\n# Global, for all installations.\noverride['poise-javascript']['options']['version'] = '0.10'\n# Single installation.\noverride['poise-javascript']['myapp']['version'] = 'iojs'\n```\n\nThe `javascript_runtime_options` resource is also available to set node attributes\nfor a specific installation in a DSL-friendly way:\n\n```ruby\njavascript_runtime_options 'myapp' do\n version 'iojs'\nend\n```\n\nUnlike resource attributes, provider options can be different for each provider.\nNot all providers support the same options so make sure to the check the\ndocumentation for each provider to see what options the use.\n\n### `javascript_runtime_options`\n\nThe `javascript_runtime_options` resource allows setting provider options in a\nDSL-friendly way. See [the Provider Options](#provider-options) section for more\ninformation about provider options overall.\n\n```ruby\njavascript_runtime_options 'myapp' do\n version 'iojs'\nend\n```\n\n#### Actions\n\n* `:run` – Apply the provider options. *(default)*\n\n#### Properties\n\n* `resource` – Name of the `javascript_runtime` resource. *(name property)*\n* `for_provider` – Provider to set options for.\n\nAll other attribute keys will be used as options data.\n\n### `javascript_execute`\n\nThe `javascript_execute` resource executes a JavaScript script using the configured runtime.\n\n```ruby\njavascript_execute 'myapp.js' do\n user 'myuser'\nend\n```\n\nThis uses the built-in `execute` resource and supports all the same properties.\n\n#### Actions\n\n* `:run` – Execute the script. *(default)*\n\n#### Properties\n\n* `command` – Script and arguments to run. Must not include the `node`. *(name attribute)*\n* `javascript` – Name of the `javascript_runtime` resource to use. If not specified, the\n most recently declared `javascript_runtime` will be used. Can also be set to the\n full path to a `node` binary.\n\nFor other properties see the [Chef documentation](https://docs.chef.io/resource_execute.html#attributes).\n\n### `node_package`\n\nThe `node_package` resource installs Node.js packages using\n[NPM](https://www.npmjs.com/).\n\n```ruby\nnode_package 'express' do\n version '4.13.3'\nend\n```\n\nThis uses the built-in `package` resource and supports the same actions and\nproperties. Multi-package installs are supported using the standard syntax.\n\n#### Actions\n\n* `:install` – Install the package. *(default)*\n* `:upgrade` – Upgrade the package.\n* `:remove` – Uninstall the package.\n\nThe `:purge` and `:reconfigure` actions are not supported.\n\n#### Properties\n\n* `group` – System group to install the package.\n* `package_name` – Package or packages to install. *(name property)*\n* `path` – Path to install the package in to. If unset install using `--global`.\n *(default: nil)*\n* `version` – Version or versions to install.\n* `javascript` – Name of the `javascript_runtime` resource to use. If not specified, the\n most recently declared `javascript_runtime` will be used. Can also be set to the\n full path to a `node` binary.\n* `unsafe_perm` – Enable `--unsafe-perm`. *(default: true)*\n* `user` – System user to install the package.\n\nFor other properties see the [Chef documentation](https://docs.chef.io/resource_package.html#attributes).\nThe `response_file`, `response_file_variables`, and `source` properties are not\nsupported.\n\n### `npm_install`\n\nThe `npm_install` resource runs `npm install` for a package.\n\n```ruby\nnpm_install '/opt/myapp'\n```\n\nThe underlying `npm install` command will run on every converge, but notifications\nwill only be triggered if a package is actually installed.\n\n#### Actions\n\n* `:install` – Run `npm install`. *(default)*\n\n#### Properties\n\n* `path` – Path to the package folder containing a `package.json`. *(name attribute)*\n* `group` – System group to install the packages.\n* `javascript` – Name of the `javascript_runtime` resource to use. If not specified, the\n most recently declared `javascript_runtime` will be used. Can also be set to the\n full path to a `node` binary.\n* `production` – Enable production install mode. *(default: true)*\n* `unsafe_perm` – Enable `--unsafe-perm`. *(default: true)*\n* `user` – System user to install the packages.\n\n## Javascript Providers\n\n### Common Options\n\nThese provider options are supported by all providers.\n\n* `version` – Override the runtime version.\n\n### `system`\n\nThe `system` provider installs Node.js using system packages. This is currently\nonly tested on platforms using `apt-get` and `yum` (Debian, Ubuntu, RHEL, CentOS\nAmazon Linux, and Fedora). It may work on other platforms but is untested.\n\n```ruby\njavascript_runtime 'myapp' do\n provider :system\n version '0.10'\nend\n```\n\n#### Options\n\n* `dev_package` – Install the package with the headers and other development\n files. Can be set to a string to select the dev package specifically.\n *(default: true)*\n* `package_name` – Override auto-detection of the package name.\n* `package_upgrade` – Install using action `:upgrade`. *(default: false)*\n* `package_version` – Override auto-detection of the package version.\n\n### `scl`\n\nThe `scl` provider installs Node.js using the [Software Collections](https://www.softwarecollections.org/)\npackages. This is only available on RHEL and CentOS. SCL offers more\nrecent versions of Node.js than the system packages for the most part. If an SCL\npackage exists for the requests version, it will be used in preference to the\n`system` provider.\n\n```ruby\njavascript_runtime 'myapp' do\n provider :scl\n version '0.10'\nend\n```\n\n### `nodejs`\n\nThe `nodejs` provider installs Node.js from the static binaries on nodejs.org.\nSupport is included for Linux and OS X.\n\n```ruby\njavascript_runtime 'myapp' do\n provider :nodejs\n version '0.12'\nend\n```\n\n#### Options\n\n* `path` – Folder to install Node.js to. *(default: /opt/nodejs-<version>)*\n* `static_version` – Specific version number to use for computing the URL and\n path. *(default: automatic from `version`)*\n* `strip_components` – Value to pass to tar --strip-components. *(automatic)*\n* `url` – URL template to download the archive from. *(default: automatic)*\n\n### `iojs`\n\nThe `iojs` provider installs io.js from the static binaries on iojs.org.\nSupport is included for Linux and OS X.\n\n```ruby\njavascript_runtime 'myapp' do\n provider :iojs\n version '3'\nend\n```\n\n#### Options\n\n* `path` – Folder to install io.js to. *(default: /opt/iojs-<version>)*\n* `static_version` – Specific version number to use for computing the URL and\n path. *(default: automatic from `version`)*\n* `strip_components` – Value to pass to tar --strip-components. *(automatic)*\n* `url` – URL template to download the archive from. *(default: automatic)*\n\n## Sponsors\n\nThe Poise test server infrastructure is sponsored by [Rackspace](https://rackspace.com/).\n\n## License\n\nCopyright 2015-2017, Noah Kantrowitz\n\nLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\nyou may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\nYou may obtain a copy of the License at\n\nhttp://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n\nUnless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\ndistributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\nWITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\nSee the License for the specific language governing permissions and\nlimitations under the License.\n"
maintainer "Noah Kantrowitz"
maintainer_email "[email protected]"
source_url "https://github.com/poise/poise-javascript" if defined?(source_url)
issues_url "https://github.com/poise/poise-javascript/issues" if defined?(issues_url)
license "Apache-2.0"
depends "poise", "~> 2.0"
depends "poise-languages", "~> 2.0"
chef_version ">= 12.14" if defined?(chef_version)
supports "amazon"
supports "arch"
supports "centos"
supports "debian"
supports "fedora"
supports "gentoo"
supports "mac_os_x"
supports "opensuse"
supports "oracle"
supports "raspbian"
supports "redhat"
supports "slackware"
supports "suse"
supports "ubuntu"