Git module that prevents you from committing sensitive information into your repositories.
inspects commits and/or staged (and uncommitted) files, to
prevent you from adding sensitive information into git repositories. You can integrate it
with git hooks, forcing it to analyze all staged files before they are
included into a commit.
For more about how and why 18F uses this module, see "Automated scanning for sensitive information in the development lifecycle".
You need the following tools and libraries to make it work properly:
- glide
- pkg-config
- golang >= 1.6
- libgit >= 2.24
uses Glide
to maintain its dependencies.
Follow the instructions for installing Glide:
glide install go build
This builds a binary git-seekret
. Currently, there is no cross platform way to install git-seekret
(e.g. Install via Brew for OS X). To make the binary widely available to the user, you need to copy it to the system's bin
cp ./git-seekret /usr/local/bin
General Options: NAME: git-seekret - prevent from committing sensitive information into git repository USAGE: git-seekret [global options] command [command options] [arguments...] VERSION: 0.0.1 AUTHOR(S): Albert Puigsech Galicia <[email protected]> COMMANDS: config manage configuration seetings rules manage rules check inspect git repository hook manage git hooks help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command GLOBAL OPTIONS: --global --help, -h show help --version, -v print the version
The definition of rules and exceptions for git-seekret
are defined by the `seekret go library. Proper documentation for this library can be found here:
Once you download the secrets, you will need to set your SEEKRET_RULES_PATH
environment variable to point to the location of the rules.
This is needed because by default, the seekret
library will look for the rules in $GOPATH/src/
The repository seekret-secrets is prepared to test ``git-seekret`, and can be used to perform the following hands-on examples:
$ git clone $ cd seekret-secrets $ git seekret config --init Config: version = 1 rulespath = /Users/apuigsech/Develop//.go/src/ rulesenabled = exceptionsfile = $ git seekret rules List of rules: [ ] aws.secret_key [ ] aws.access_key [ ] certs.rsa [ ] certs.generic [ ] certs.pgp [ ] password.pass [ ] password.cred [ ] password.password [ ] password.pwd [ ] unix.passwd $ git seekret rules --enable password.password List of rules: [ ] aws.secret_key [ ] aws.access_key [ ] certs.generic [ ] certs.pgp [ ] certs.rsa [x] password.password [ ] password.pwd [ ] password.pass [ ] password.cred [ ] unix.passwd $ git seekret check -c 1 # Check on last commit. Found Secrets: 9 secret_6:2 - Metadata: commit: 442d574a5e233d9cec7d245f7c85177cd1a827e4 uniq-id: e4ac21ceef17fff49d2f0d1fdd46f0abe7d0f62c - Rule: password.password - Content: password = 's3cr3t' secret_8:5 - Metadata: uniq-id: 373978394eb25268890ebee17966024300f3997b commit: 442d574a5e233d9cec7d245f7c85177cd1a827e4 - Rule: password.password - Content: password = 'thisISnotSECRET' ... $ git seekret check -s # Check on staged files. Found Secrets: 0 $ echo "password = 'this is super secret'" > new_file $ git add new_file $ git seekret check -s Found Secrets: 1 new_file:1 - Metadata: status: test - Rule: password.password - Content: password = 'this is super secret'