Project Name: @ember3141
Project Maintainers:
- @ProgrammerIn-wonderland
- @Endercass
- @Percslol
Large contributors
- @CoolElectronics
- @r58playz
- @MadjikDotPng
A full list of contributors can be found here
Libraries and applications sources
- Filesystem - Filer.js
- Filesystem HTTP bridge - MercuryWorkshop Nohost (Fork of Humphd Nohost)
- Old Websocket to TCP Bridge - WSProxy
- TCP Networking support wisp-server-node
- x86 Emulation - v86
- Service worker web proxy - Ultraviolet
- Material Components - Matter CSS
- A full list of dependencies can be found here
- Default networking stack- libcurl.js with WolfSSL
- VNC Client noVNC
- SSH Client sshy
Code snippets used
Note: This list is non-exhaustive and may not contain all of the code snippets used in production of this software.
- original base
- Resizable Table columns in fsapp codepen
Design & Assets
- UI design inspiration - Google ChromeOS
- Various icons - papirus icon theme
- Various assets - Google ChromeOS