There are pending changes in aw-watcher-lastfm that need to be reviewed, cleaned up, and committed. The changes primarily involve:
- Consolidating Duration imports
- Updating deprecated timestamp handling
- Code formatting improvements
Changes are currently uncommitted in the working directory.
Review and commit pending changes
- Review Duration usage consolidation
- Check timestamp handling updates
- Verify code formatting changes
- Add/update tests if needed
- Commit changes with clear message
Update deprecated timestamp handling
- Remove TODO about deprecated from_utc
- Implement modern timestamp handling
- Test with various time zones
Add tests for time parsing
- Add unit tests for parse_time_string
- Test edge cases and invalid inputs
- Verify Duration handling in tests
First pass:
- Review existing changes
- Create test cases for current functionality
- Commit current cleanup
Second pass:
- Update deprecated timestamp handling
- Add new tests
- Document changes
- All Duration usage is consistent
- No deprecated timestamp handling remains
- Code passes all tests
- Changes are committed with clear documentation